Given the time period that the Cthulhu Mythos was written and the themes, I am not surprised nobody these days thinks they are scary.
Given the time period that the Cthulhu Mythos was written and the themes, I am not surprised nobody these days thinks they are scary.
... we have diseases spreading across the country that are causing polio-like paralysis of our children...
This one I can agree on. There are certain candies where King-sized can throw off the ratio of ingredients and ruin them. Reese cups is one, the giant size ones just aren’t as good. But it can go the other way too. Fun size Butterfingers aren’t as goods as a regular. And the tiny square Snickers are bad, the ratio is…
That and he left out a very important part: Fictional. People dressed as fictional murders and killers. Not as actual fascist dictators that lead the institutional murder of millions of people.
Trump went on about how much Kim Jong Un and he are best friends. What is a dozen pipe bombs compared to thermonuclear war...
I was taught basically the same thing. Though I would amend your statement to “grab the HAND holding the knife”, not arm. You want to immobilize the wrist, not the forearm. Because with a sharp enough knife even the wrist is strong enough to cut you badly.
Water is not always the best way.
Since State Budgets designate how much money goes to things like schools, senior centers and other public goods, increased funds from the lottery doesn’t actually increase money to those things. Instead the excess money is move to other things, like tax cuts.
Is he.... is he implying someone sent a bomb to the Clintons to get news coverage and sympathy for the Clintons?
Well unfortunately you are wrong in your belief. It was always hurtful and as such wrong. The fact that the voices of those who are hurt by it are finally being heard isn’t “the line moving”. It is people starting to empathize with an oppressed people and work toward not oppressing them.
Trump got elected President, does that mean he knows what he is doing and it is right?
11 paragraph article, 2 sentence reply. What a true intellectual you are to so easily explain all the issues in the article. Hope you didn’t sprain your wrist with all that typing.
The line has moved on that, and with that said, it’s all a nope these days. Just don’t do it.
Smooth Peanut Butter is Peanut Butter.
Wow... that is really depressing. So there is no punishment for donating up to $9,999 illegally. Our laws suck...
Pro Tip
1: Use Ikaros to spot sharks from your boat
Right, giving Ivanka Trump an actual job and duties, where she would have to work and be held accountable would be nepotism.
Update, 10:59 AM ET: Haley will be resigning at the end of the year, according to Trump. Speaking with reporters in the Oval Office, Trump said that Haley would be resigning at the end of the year.
I am going with Zelda reference