11 paragraph article, 2 sentence reply. What a true intellectual you are to so easily explain all the issues in the article. Hope you didn’t sprain your wrist with all that typing.
11 paragraph article, 2 sentence reply. What a true intellectual you are to so easily explain all the issues in the article. Hope you didn’t sprain your wrist with all that typing.
The line has moved on that, and with that said, it’s all a nope these days. Just don’t do it.
Smooth Peanut Butter is Peanut Butter.
Wow... that is really depressing. So there is no punishment for donating up to $9,999 illegally. Our laws suck...
Pro Tip
1: Use Ikaros to spot sharks from your boat
Right, giving Ivanka Trump an actual job and duties, where she would have to work and be held accountable would be nepotism.
Update, 10:59 AM ET: Haley will be resigning at the end of the year, according to Trump. Speaking with reporters in the Oval Office, Trump said that Haley would be resigning at the end of the year.
I am going with Zelda reference
Jeff Bezos has $100+ billion dollars.
Assuming $100,000/yr is enough to live comfortably, Bezos has enough money for 1 million years of comfortable living.
Well Kavanaugh did lift a lot of weights in high school with his friends. And his friend’s dad.
Ive been in dozens of bar fights
I am a little late to the article, but it is something that neither this, nor any of the other blogs/articles mentioned. He lies during the story.
The advice is straight wrong. If the author of the letter doesn’t like the way the servers act at a restaurant it is on them to not go there. And the serving staff is doing nothing wrong,. Restaurants have different atmospheres and the servers will act accordingly. The servers weren’t doing anything wrong if that is…
If you want to a 50's themed restaurant would you be offended that they were acting like it was the 50's?
If you want to a Disney theme park would you be offended when your server dressed in a costume and acted like a cartoon character?
No you wouldn’t, because restaurants do have their own atmosphere and the servers…
blamed it on a want to emulate recent movies at the time like Animal House
Well he did piss on the seat...
Rosenstein: “That I suggested wearing a wire is inaccurate and factually incorrect. Besides.... Omarosa said I could just use her recordings”
He continued: “No. One country, compelled by capitalism, by free people, with a vision, said we’re going to do this...Yet revisionist actors in Hollywood then preach to us that it was a human achievement, and America had nothing to do with it?”
I think the intention is for the bucket and items to be items to barricade a classroom in the case of an active shooter. Not items to attempt to defend against the shooter. Like using hammer and nails to nail the door closed, rope or tape to barricade a door that opens outward.
Though really addressing the issue of…
Very interesting. This makes me think my refrigerator’s design is adding to the problem as well. I have a low end model, one with the freezer on top and fridge below. The whole unit is about 6ft tall, so everything in the fridge is lower than chest level for me. Items on the bottom shelve or in the crisper draws are…