
furthermore why was there only 1 person there? shouldn’t there be at a minimum one waitstaff and one cook?

Technically he did rob the place. So just “not vandalize”.

I am guessing the worker didn’t choose to fall asleep. Given they are sleeping on a bunch of papers and an open book, I would imagine they were studying during a very slow part of the shift and fell asleep. Which leads to the question of why did they fall asleep? Over-worked or sudden shift change would be the fault

I think there are a few reasons that would be Japanese in that category.

1. A completely different writing system. Sure Hiragana and Katakana aren’t that hard to learn (though you are wrong about the one sound part, the inclusion of “ and ° mean that symbols have 1, 2, or 3 sounds). But that just means that in addition

But if we don’t spend money on defense, who will? And I mean that literally since we, the US, spend more on defense than the next 5 countries. The US makes up about 1/3 of all defense spending in the world.

The point is that when everything is a caricature, you can’t criticize one bit for being so.

Maybe he threw it in the bay because it was a dangerous weapon that just accidentally went off and he was afraid it might go off again and hurt another person. Seems like a reasonable thing someone might do if panicked.

Cream pie, custard pie, peach pie, blackberry pie, cinnamon pie, shoofly pie, Manhattan lemon pie.

You can even make up new pies. For Thanksgiving we had extra apple and cherry filling, so we made more dough and created the Apple Cherry pie. I made a Smore pie one time by filling a graham cracker crust with melted

The economy doing well under Trump is like lighting your couch on fire to warm your house. Sure the house is warming up quickly, but things are about to get really bad really fast.

... Joke 2 Years In The Making.

The problem with the article is that it is an example of bad journalism. It isn’t an interview with “an average white nationalist”. It is free advertising for the white nationalist movement in the NY Times.

The problem is you can’t allow a white nationalist to be able to say: “I’m a fascist” and “the federal government women can better prepare their vulvas and vaginas for the enjoyment of men.

Given the naming convention of Turducken (outside to in), shouldn’t your recipe be name a Squamushlic?

I was hoping this was going to be about how you shouldn’t actually stuff your turkey with stuffing/dressing. Instead it is just about how people call things different things..... I will just add it to the list.

Soda and Pop and Cola
Jimmies and Sprinkles
Mosquito Hawk and Mosquito Eater and Crane Fly
Sub and Hero and

Food for thought:

Account created in 2015 and 100,000 tweets. That is an average of 1 tweet ever 12 minutes for three years straight. When did he get his work done at EA?

That is some impressive logical trickery you are pulling off there.

First, “There is a ton of smoke in the Uranium One case. There has to be some fire somewhere.” is just untrue. The point of this article is that there isn’t “a ton of smoke”, there isn’t there is some steam that people are lying about and calling it

I think the point is that you can trust what they are saying because it is actually true.

Left and Right bias media isn’t a problem because it is bias. The problem is when they give in to their bias to the point of making up stories to push their agenda.

Bias is saying “Clinton is not fit for office because she

Couple corrections.

While this movie does look like it never needed to be made. Norman Borlaug was white and did win a Nobel Peace Prize for his development of dwarf wheat. Which was credited with saving a lot of lives around the world, including in India.

I mention this only because reading the plot description reminded me of his work