
I have to say this article seems more like an argument for teaching people how to communicate properly than about a "creep" stalking a girl. In my opinion, the Facebook Messenger conversation can be read either as a creepy guy stalking a girl who stands up for herself, or as a slightly awkward guy trying to ask out a

1 + 0 + 8 = 9

9 = 3 * 3

Halflife 3 confirmed.

Same thing happened to me. Please let me know if it works. I am reluctant to try because I am afraid they will check my Origin account and see I already use the PC code. I am also considering giving the Xbox One code to a friend and having him send it in for a PC code or finding someone to trade a PC code for my Xbox

They actually sent me a code for both PC and Xbox One within minutes of each other. I wonder if I could get a PC code for the Xbox One code.

This article make no sense to me. When I was a kid and we played pretend, it was games like Soldiers, Cops and Robbers, Superheroes, Knights, or Spies. We pretended to be the things that games let you pretend to be. Video games are the games I used to play as a kid.

This video reminds me of the time a company I worked for had a magazine article done about them. As an engineer, I was interviewed about how the process step worked. Then they talked to the lead technician about how he operated the tool.

Funny how uncooked meat doesn't look tasty, right?

Super boring. At least SWTOR had an interesting story and voice acting. Wild star has neither. And the paths is just picking whether you want extra "kill x" missions or "collect x" missions each zone.

Bushido Blade 2

Original System: PS1

Why it deserves to be on PlayStation Now: This game was one of the most incredible fighting games there was. Not only was it a good 3D fighting game, when 3D fighters were just getting started. But it was a weapon based game where each weapon had its own styles and each character had

Mine goes back to playing a game called Terminal Velocity with a buddy. This was in the days of 14.4 modems. So we would play a few rounds then call each other on the phone and talk then hang up and play some more.

Before that I had used the name NightStalker because it sounded cool. But after one round my friend

She reminds me of Tiny Tina from BL2, what with all the bombs and craziness.

Makes me wish I had recorded mine. After the heist with the sub, I did a mission with Michael then switched to Treavor. Treavor was walking out of the strip club drunk and the sub was parked in front of the strip club.

It is an interesting idea and would be great. But Rowling isn't a good enough writer to come up with something like that.

Given the way she names her characters, if Newt Scramander were an Animagus, he would probably turn into a some type of lizard.

Professor Lupin (sounds like Lupus) is a werewolf. Ms Skeeter turns

I like how she makes a huge deal of those numbers without explaining them in anyway. So just to give some REAL perspective.

1. College campuses usually have programs where campus security will send someone to escort you across campus for free. That was actually one of the jobs I had as part of a working scholarship in college. I wear a Campus Security windbreaker and had a radio. I would get a call telling me what building to go to then I

Ouroboros.... the snake eating its own tail is called Ouroboros (or Uroboros). And it can be a snake or a dragon.