
How does Deen’s ex feel about this? Is there a reason she isn’t mentioned in this article?

I think they make poor McQuade commute from Philly at least 3 days a week.

Fighting is not part of the game I know and love

If I was going to get a less than lethal home protection type gizmo, what should it be? Just a big old bottle of bear spray or something?

When can I have one?

“Also, if Warren or anyone else thinks that rich billionaires won’t get around a 70% income tax they should go back to econ 101.”

I wonder what dodge these fuckers use to avoid paying sales tax on these monstrosities.

Roth, you aren't really 51, are you?

That looks like a list of 19 apps that you should uninstall to me! And one that you should always keep updated (it’s Firefox)

Is this a good or bad take: Kamala Harris is a cop.

Fuck the police

What happened to the twitter thread over the weekend? Did it ‘go viral’? That is one confusing first sentence

What secret plan does Sherrod have to make healthcare affordable? How can you reverse decades of rising costs without completely up ending the industry and it’s perverse insentive structures?! Fuck this access-speak bullshit! Voters want actual healthcare not just ‘access’!

How long of a surfboard can fit inside? Bonus points for anything that holds a board 10+ feet long

Ok, thanks! I did not know/remember that.

Can anyone point new towards some good literature discussing the morality of surrogacy? I guess the rich have always used other people's bodies for their labors, but it still doesn't seem right to me...

What am i supposed to see in this tiny ass photo?

It’s going to decades for them to live this down, right? Philadelphia who? Kansas City is the snowball throwing town

Where do my legs go?

How many goalies have started for the Flyers in this century? I’ll be damned if it isn’t a number over 100 (and like 50 higher than any other team)