Erik Sofge

But it doesn’t have to be. Even at its absolute worst, Mass Effect’s voice acting is better than any line in that trailer. The acting here is only passable if you’ve already had your expectations beaten into the ground by years of watching English-dubbed anime (with similarly wannabe-deep, dorm room drivel for

Exactly. Like, dude, there’s a reason that’s a serious, standalone profession, and why film buffs often develop a boner for specific editors. Cutting-on-action at weird intervals isn’t artistic or interesting editing, especially if you still load it up with cliches, and end with the single biggest cliche in all of

The lack of audience enthusiasm when he was introduced spoke volumes.


Yeah, I thought I recognized his voice from anime. I’m cringing at the thought of eventually trying to watch Robotech/Macross with my daughter. Some of those actors...

So is terrible voice acting part of MGS’s appeal?

I didn’t play through Halo 4, but I definitely lost interest when it changed hands. Especially given how awesome Reach was. Even though it was a prequel, it felt like the emotional climax of the series.

I know I’m probably in the minority, but I really just want as much old-school coverage—quick hits and longreads—as possible. Any fool can (and many will) flood social media with snippets of whatever. Let IGN crank out lame Vines of giggling dudes in T-shirts convincing each other that they’re funny. Kotaku’s strength

So your one-item wish list is to see some grainy iPhone shots of a bunch of execs standing around, nervously sipping coconut water, and looking at their phones?

Honestly not trying to be a jerk here, but your lead sentence is perplexing me. I think you’re missing a word somewhere in there.

Really interesting. Is that sort of loophole common in Europe, in general (though to a lesser degree)?

Literally one out of two cars on the road is a company car.

Good to know I’m not the only one not having a nerdgasm about this thing. There’s nothing inherently wrong with era-specific spoofs—see Danger 5—but too much fan-service can absolutely be a bad thing.

Not feeling most of these, but that xenomorph version is pure genius.

So you just don’t like TV.

Interesting that you'd bring up Koch. The prosecution couldn't prove that she actually made skin lampshades. The existence of those is far from certain. But they make for a nice, grisly urban legend.

True, but c'mon, that's definitely an action movie. It has that whole silly village shootout, and all sorts of action bros. I feel like a movie can veer into action movie status through sheer testosterone.

Hate to be that guy, but how is this an action movie? It's a crime movie with a really memorable car chase. What action movie spends this much time with no one punching or shooting each other, and is this wonderfully, intentionally plodding (the tailing and whatnot, and entire middle section, basically)?

It’s still rare enough in gaming as to be news. You’re confusing coverage with advocacy.

I figured out, from his subsequent comments, what he was trying to say, and I totally agree. But I stand by my original point, which is that bad writing—or just lazy word choices—can lead to a lot of confusion. Dickish as it might be, I just want people to up their comment game on this site. Stories like this one are