Erik Sofge

Not sure how anything I wrote makes me close-minded. Just pointing out that, if you’re going to leave a comment about something this controversial, maybe choose your words more carefully.

It would have been better if people saw this character as an actual character/person

The hell are you talking about? The video is from Poland. The guy in blackface is presumably Polish.

Unfortunately, yes. But I’ve also seen footage of cross-burnings, and don’t plan on lighting any myself.

Take a spin through Gawker network posts about racism and sexism, and Kotaku commenters are, hands-down, the most generally clueless or flat-out awful.

All things are not equal, or relative. Blackface is a wretched practice with tons of baggage, that has to do with the dehumanization and oppression of a minority. Whiteface is not, in any way, comparable.


That episode came to mind, too. Except, like in Tropic Thunder, the joke is that the characters in blackface are clearly idiots. It’s an attack on them. The April Fool’s joke is just regular-ass blackface, without the satire or self-deprecation.

That might invite some postmodern counter-swatting, but I agree. And this would seem like a pretty easy sell, given that its about being not only tough on crime, but tough on that notably insidious subset of criminals: GAMER CRIMINALS!

Someone at the federal level should be assisting in tracing these little jackasses, every single time it happens. The only way this will stop is if it's 100 percent clear that you will always be caught, no exceptions.

The only character/bit I didn't like was Chupacabra....who's great on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast!

Some real gems in here, but "Gotta stay hungry in the murder game" ruined me.

The same aroma comes up from Stripperella, the decade-old Pamela Anderson vanity project featuring animated crime-fighting stripper Erotica Jones. Everything about it felt half-assed and it had the added shame of making Stan seem like a dirty old man.

There was an old tabletop RPG called Villains & Vigilantes that used random generation for your powers. I thought it was a pretty cool idea, though the actual game mechanics were awful.

That could definitely be the case. It's also a pretty bad and very threadbare post, so I'm not sure why I'm implicitly defending it.

How much do you wanna bet that all that green is someone's 90's-era attempt at making a painfully on-the-nose environmental statement? Anime has always had a sincerity problem.

This is, admittedly, really stupid.

Glad we get to see those random people in the corner of the screen, not having a reaction.

I really love the idea of having to shoot things while sticking to rules of engagement. I'm the bleeding heart who would replay an entire level of that Die Hard Trilogy game if I let even one hostage get executed.