Where does the demonizing stop, though? At what point is it enough?
Where does the demonizing stop, though? At what point is it enough?
The debate was spur of the moment, thinking on his feet with no time to apply a coating of bullshit to his viewpoints. Here he had time to prepare and cover the nastier parts of his views with the appropriate doublespeak.
Well he’s one of the good ones.
“Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways,” he said. As evidence of this, Jafari pointed to a sketch by Samantha Bee, where she jokingly blames white people for Trump’s election. “I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly…
Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.
Forever War FTW!
All the sites have done great reporting. The investigative reporters at Deadspin who reported on Greg Hardy and Kevin Johnson, for example, are an inspiration to our news team. Jezebel has been doing some great politics coverage. Gawker got people talking about the allegations against Bill Cosby before that became a…
It looked goofy as shit the day it came out.
depends on the graphic style, look at zelda windwaker for gamecube, still hold up great.
What makes you say that? It is Infinity Ward’s year to release a CoD title, but the last game with “Warfare” in the title was AW. That was developed by Sledgehammer games. I don’t see any evidence of this being part of a trilogy, or tied to AW. Yet. If it is tied to AW then this would be the first time another studio…
Check out the other pictures in the album. Most are smartphone photos (Oneplus One, Galaxy Note 2 and Nexus 5 for the most part) but there are Canon 650D photos in there too.
If he asked to borrow toilet paper, I’d tell him to just use a sock.
No, and if somebody wants to go into a restroom with nefarious purposes, there are already laws against sexual assault, etc., and another law isn’t going to stop them. Bathroom bills only make criminals of transgender people.
This guy deserves his business to go, like, mega-bankrupt.
Would still rather piss with this person next to me than Curt Schilling
Nice of him to at least use a self-portrait.
Didn’t see it mentioned in the article, but it goes a bit deeper. There are two “levels” of endgame gear, 240 and 204 (or something like that).
In Tom Clancy’s The Division, there’s a war on the streets. There’s a war on the message boards and in the forums,…