I like the hell out of this story, particularly since you have such a full understanding of what makes Beck great (even if Morning Phase probably isn't).
I like the hell out of this story, particularly since you have such a full understanding of what makes Beck great (even if Morning Phase probably isn't).
...Lynch...is 28 years old, right around the age where running backs risk falling off a cliff anyway.
The costumes weren't the problem in the previous FF movies.
Is there any other kind of beat poetry open mic?
Good point. The law isn't as binary as people often assume. Circumstances and context play a huge role in determining penalties.
Rookie question here, but who really cares what condition a given team's balls are in? Greasing a baseball is clearly a violation, because you're trying to prevent the batter from properly connecting with it. But is a deflated ball harder to intercept?
I had never heard about it before. It reminds me of that Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode where pop-up ads invade physical space.
That one scream is a masterpiece. You know the one.
So there's simulated rape in the game, by the protagonist...it just doesn't involve thrusting?
Well noted. But hey, why is your comment down here in steerage, with the rest of us hardscrabble grays?
Hooray! Another live-action anime adaptation that looks and plays like a horrendous fan film.
Not sure why, but I never played the previous Dragon Age games. Since the second one sounds hit or miss, can I play the first one, and then this new one, without feeling lost?
That's seriously encouraging to hear.
That's right! Ok, might seriously have to look into a Vita now.
Great summary of multiplayer's pros and cons. I'm intrigued. I'm not into racing, in general, but I love the idea of customization, esp. if that applies to combat skills (because I'm a stereotypical kill-crazy psycho, when it comes to gaming).
I don't have one, but that's probably a better idea than playing garbagey iOS games.
That's real nice of you (not being sarcastic). Unfortunately, being a dad, and without a reliable way to overtake the TV with any sort of regularity, I'm basically a liability. But you guys sound like fun. What's your tag? I'll look you up when I pick it up.
Is there a valid reason to buy this for PS4 immediately, rather than waiting for price drops and DLC bundles? Meaning, is multiplayer of legit interest (to an old-ass gamer without a hope of gathering a consistent crew of online friends)?
Between this instilled eagerness and the game's extensive Pick 13 create-a-class feature, allowing players to build a soldier with just the right equipment, it's easy for lesser-skilled soldiers like myself to believe we can actually get the job done. And if that proves untrue, at least we're earning ranks and supply…