Erik Sofge

Pour a little out for the AOL chatrooms.

We sure did. I'm just glad we didn't have the internet. There'd be an even longer chain of evidence proving how much of a schmuck I am.

They aren't the seedy underbelly. They're just the tweens and teens. Who suck, and have nothing to say, ever.

That's a good point.

I understand not having the time to dig, but that's garbage writing. And that's on the writer. Or maybe everyone, if they feel like they have to write down to a tween audience.

Some great details in that article. This part tripped me up though.

Still with the Raid comparisons? When will this bullshit framing device die?

Pseudo-science handwaving doesn't equal hard SF. That's just world-building.

What has? Before you start talking about ATLAS, note that it walks like a hobbled 90 year old, falls constantly, and is never intended to be the precursor to robotic infantry. An armed BigDog or LS3 makes way more sense.

Yeah, you have to do some awfully blatant, reverse-direction world-building to justify mechs. It never seems worth it. Everyone knows that Mobile Suits are goofy as hell. But they're wonderful, too. What I never want to see is some expert tying himself in knots to explain why a giant lightsaber is a smart idea for a

Roll, climb, or otherwise Takichoma right over that mother-effer.

I'm assuming the experts also pointed out that large humanoid bots are a terrible, terrible idea for this sort of combat? And then everyone laughed and someone said, "Dudes, this is a video game! Now come up with some jargon for our lore or whatever."

The Xbox 360 just bugs me too much to want to get its successor. That thing was such a clanking, rickety, howling, constantly dying mess. Not sure I'll ever forgive MS for it. Plus, having to pay for any sort of online access (not just multiplayer) seems bogus.

Boy do I hate a double-space between sentences.

Between this game going next-gen, plus the Last of Us (which, for no good reason, I still haven't played on PS3), and even Grim Fandango (also never played, because I'm stupid!), it's getting awfully hard to not buy a PS4.

Never thought I was a graphics snob, until just now.

I'm glad he's into it. What I was saying is that you're pointing out that you think that something which has been a gross-out humor gag from the very beginning of MK is humorous. We all enjoy ice cream. It's the best.

Got it. So how else, in this sort of context (Hardline), might you rack up points?

I know it's naive to think that a press conference demo will play anything like the actual game, but the difference here is depressing.

Something tells me the real deal is going to be so chaotic and run-and-gun as to be almost indistinguishable from this clip.