Erik Sofge

Industry lingo, that might only be used by journalists and such, always filters down at some point. It just seems to happen more rapidly now, because of the internet.

Did you think the rest of us are clutching our pearls? Or that you're supposed to be weeping while playing a game about demons and superhumans eviscerating each other?

That's just the pacing of the demo. Actual PvP is obviously going to be a twitchy, jet-jumping, always-pointblank spaz-fest.


And, of course, you'll want Bruce to win every fight. Anything else will seem like sacrilege.

I wasn't being snarky. Honest! This is one of the few games I'm excited about (even though I can't justify buying a PS4 or XB1 anytime soon).

I really, really want to believe you.

Wait, that's a nifty video and everything, but what's the actual multiplayer going to be like? Something tells me it won't be that sort of Rube Goldberg action.

You know what I want in my videogame protagonist?

Catch you on the flip side, dudemeisters!

That makes sense. And I appreciate the info, really. I was definitely assuming too much, based on their E3 strategy last year, and comparing it to the two times that I went to E3, when they seemed to be doing exactly the same thing as everyone else. I was also assuming that, based on their digital pressers, they just

Thanks? That definitely answers my question. Not sure I was looking for a scolding, though.

I don't care about specific venues. It just seemed like they were distancing themselves from the event in recent years.

But then how would they have the best showing (as Jason predicts)? I haven't been paying close attention this year, but if their unveilings aren't even at E3, how does it even relate to them?

Honest question: Does Nintendo care about E3 again?

I also think he reverted back to a schoolyard mentality. I'm older than Hill, but when I was in elementary school and junior high, and people started talking smack, the f-word was inevitable. It was verbal chest-thumping. I don't think it's always the same as the n-word, as far as evidence of someone's actual beliefs.

Good question. This could be a false memory, or something I misheard because he at least had the presence of mind to speak in slightly hushed tones. But as he chatted with my grandmother, I swore he said something about the way "those people" smell.

Having a hard time imagining the owner of a Tennessee cotton gin not being a dyed-in-the-wool, capital-R racist.

What, no hue and cry for the tragically gunned-down Scientologist?

Delightful is the perfect way to describe that trailer. I'm one of those crusty old bums who've completely written off the series (and who claim to have not liked it in the first place, despite punching in every stupid Babality code), and this got me super pumped. The song choice, the impression—real or not—that at