Erik Sofge


These follow-up reviews are a great idea. And really well executed, too. Nice work.

"The Omaha campaign draws influences from popular television cop dramas, each level structured like an episode, cliffhangers and all."

If you took out the gameplay, that trailer would be a masterpiece.

Hey, I actually followed up my Popular Science story about this with a post about the perils of using SF to talk about actual (or actual hypothetical robots):

This is a breathtakingly stupid post. Bioshock is an alt-history Randian dystopia that has no bearing on real tech. Like anyone would build an underwater goddamn city, instead of heading inland, or building upwards. And Brink...I mean, who cares about Brink's slapped-together setting? Certainly not the makers of

Unless you exclusively eat what (and whom) you killed with your own terrible hands, leave Crom out of it.

How many guns were pointed at Saunders, and his entire extended family, I'm assuming, to reel him into this utter bullshit?

There's never value in telling people to stop talking or thinking about racism. If Johnson is right, and the tune became popular because of minstrel shows, it's relationship with racism is real, and of interest. But regardless of how many people you try to shout down here, what do you stand to gain? Even when racism

Not to mention the technical challenges of exploration. Game development is almost always an exercise in improving the ratio of dev-hours to play-hours. Since exploration is inherently a one-time, consumable experience, how do you justify diverting resources to it?

FPS were once unique and rare to find on consoles. That is until Halo brought in the masses.

I would shoot someone in the face for a vehicular combat game that wasn't just a bunch of wacky power-ups and cartoonish weapons.

That's terrifying.

There's a more forceful Worldstar callout at 2:51, before the shovel forced Josh Officer to reexamine his bloodlust.

It's a weird Catch-22 that SNL has to deal with. If it's too safe, it's the tame SNL everyone loves to hate. When it's absurdist and/or edgy, it's overreaching, unless it's a digital short.

Well, they did trot out the experts to talk up its plausibility. If the premise wasn't lame enough—HACKERZ! DRONEZ!—throwing Peter Singer in front of the camera definitely tipped it over the edge.

Agreed. I've never been this intrigued by a CoD trailer. Even Black Ops 2 seemed ham-fisted, with its goofy mass drone hack. This looks more like a Ghost in the Shell shooter. Nothing wrong with that.

Or you could play the calvary in WWI, and sit around drinking tea, doing nothing, while watching thousands of wounded pour into the field hospitals.

See, I think it's more about CG-heavy productions being terrified of creatures looking like inexpressive Jim Henson-ish Muppets, which is nuts, because Jim Henson's creatures looked amazing! If anything, they could have gone with fewer markers on the actors' faces, and cut down on the amount of performance capture,

Definitely with you on the costuming or props—which are all digital, I'm guessing, so make that costuming and prop VFX?