I can't handle all the kiddies on here, and their Mad Max ignorance. Thanks for making me feel 100 years old.
I can't handle all the kiddies on here, and their Mad Max ignorance. Thanks for making me feel 100 years old.
Good point. Then again, mechs come in all kinds of wonderful flavors. Zombies, on the other hand, only come in Shambling Sherbet or Sprinkled Sprinters.
Say it ain't so. MP-only?
The bro-force is strong in this one.
Oh hell yes. Another great example (along with the first two Insidious games) of how great a superhero game can be, when you aren't tied to existing IP, and can fully tailor the environment to a specific powerset.
Wow, those past projects. Doesn't get much bleaker than that.
It's almost a cool model, but I feel like you should be able to try out the other characters a few times. Otherwise, your free taste of the game is limited to Jago vs. whoever. What if that guy's just not your bag?
Hmm...I imagine it'll still be a bit harder/pricier for said rogues to get you a console with a delayed release in Asia.
Depending on where you are, you might not even be able to get an Xbox One for a long, long while.
That's a good point. The book, which, again, I don't think deserves to be considered the modern classic that people assume it is, doesn't really have much substance, apart from its oral history gimmick. But since this project was in the works, seemingly in different forms, for so long, the fact that it's now a pretty…
I started laughing, uncontrollably, the second it came on. Nuts.
This is based on nothing, but since a lot of the bigger announced games aren't even launch titles, and there's still time before the consoles release, it's very possible that Sony was working on DRM/used-game stuff to some extent, and then scrambled to dump all of it after the initial XBox One presentation.
Yet again, Bungie is proving to be the studio for FPS fans old enough to vote (and then some). This kind of on-the-fly, cooperative experience is exactly why I wasted so many hours on Resistance 2's relatively silly coop MP missions (man did those get repetitive). Even a ho-hum online coop FPS run can make you feel…
Fantastic point. Even if they couldn't match the overall polish, they should have at least attempted something like this.
That's brutal. Somewhere, some horrible little blogger and his dumbass friends are certain they've just stolen their way into a blockbuster podcasting career.
What does that make Dana White, then? An orc with a good makeup artist?
Wow, you are not wrong.
Spoken word?