Damn, that PVZ shooter is Xbox-exclusive? It looks surprisingly great.
Damn, that PVZ shooter is Xbox-exclusive? It looks surprisingly great.
There's a Heavy Gear quality and scale to the mech designs, that I'm really loving. (And I know, Heavy Gear mechs = Armored Trooper Votoms, but leave me alone with my misguided, unconsommated boardgame love!)
That's one mouthy protagonist. Shut up and focus on surviving the most horrible, brain-meltingly insane thing that's ever happened to anyone, dummy.
I was under the impression that it was, in fact, multiplayer-only. But I guess that could change.
Keep it coming. Let it all out, brother.
What's up with the animation in Killer Instinct? Are they skipping frames on purpose?
The QT stuff in Ryse is pretty funny. Play by numbers, kids!
Been a while since I've been to E3, but you'd be surprised by how many press are there, from a million outlets you've never heard of. They'll let certain press in ahead of others, but it really depends on the PR team.
Holy cow. You might be the worst person on the internet. Or on Kotaku, at least. Great pacing, though, in your comment. Starts off snide, but still human. Migrates to almost having a point (albeit an irrelevant one)...hey, maybe this guy isn't as awful as he seems-BAM, totally awful, bile-filled kicker.
Yeah, my first thought was, "That homeboy looks super edible!" I can't decide whether we'll taste like raw biscuit dough, or the stuff you referenced. Maybe both! Quantum entanglement is di-licious.
"Your Living room is for LIVING! That's for movies, TV group viewing and split-screen/same-screen multiplayer games. You know, for interacting with people, sharing experiences."
They genuinely can't help themselves. If they don't go out of their way to shame us suckers, who will?
Even if PC proselytizers weren't super annoying (no offense, though I guess, actually, offense intended), you guys insist on brushing aside all the real world logistics. Like not wanting to buy a PC, over a Mac, for home/work use. Or that getting rid of cable is problematic, when you have a spouse and/or kids, with…
Didn't they prove on Mythbusters that bullets are essentially useless underwater? Would it have killed them to put in a stupid speargun scene?
That's valid, I think. I'm a huge Halo fan, so I can see it being painful to miss the next one, if I wind up skipping the Xbox One. Depending on what shows up at E3, I might have to eat some crow, regarding my own (very minor) consumer activist plans.
Ah. Regular crawling chaos stuff, then. I feel much better.
Your argument is the same as the old "but that dude's never a jerk to me..." If you can appreciate the fact that these are punitive, restrictive conditions to place on a large number of users, for whom it really is a big deal, and will impact their enjoyment and spending, why can't you understand the notion that…
Well said.
Please tell me that someone named MrNyarlathotep is not a plant. It sounds like he isn't being banned for that reason, necessarily, but still...that would be worldview-demolishing.
Remember when conservatives were griping that journalists were spending too much time covering the outbreak of sectarian violence in Iraq, instead of the smattering of school openings and successful infrastructure projects? Not the same urgency, obviously, but the situation is similar. To paraphrase Jon Stewart, if a…