Erik Sofge

Either you're a grade-A troll, or you've read far too many self-help books (or are simply way into semantics, to a pretty exhausting extent).

This guy is ... incredible.

They'll figure it out. They just need a few surly Brits.

Planetside 2 + PS4 = end of my life. Might as well get that intervention started now.

I still don't get how this is a viable premise for years of multiplayer action. It seems so weirdly specific.

Hell yeah. That that is how you make a proper Catholic space Nazi movie.

You're right, but read the post. That was an old trailer, put together by a single guy (and some friends, I'm guessing). The project has moved on from there.

Harmonix is probably the best DLC-producer in the business. Just you wait.

My first, most vivid memory of being in a movie theater, was all about Fantasia, and mostly about Night on Bald Mountain. I think my dad took me about 12 times, though. Bald Mountain went from the most terrifying thing imaginable, to the part I couldn't wait for.

To be honest, I'm always drawn in by the possibilities, the incredible potential, of team coordination. But I'm just too much of a flake to be useful. I never have a headset, I only game in quick bits, when my preschooler isn't blazing around. Some day I'll be a proper gamer again, super happy to do the support role

I can't decide if it's lame that zombie Supes is yapping about truth and justice, in his schoolboy voice, or supremely creepy. A little vocal distortion thrown in with the skin would have been nice.

Good point.

Nerd out all you want, but those dudes be zombies. Shambling, mindless, gooey, etc.

Not the same industry, but I remember being at CondéNet (online arm of CondéNast), and in the middle of wave upon wave of layoffs, they moved all of the offices to a far swankier, and actually much larger space, complete with wannabe-startup amenities. (this was pre-dotcom-bust, or just as it was starting to pop).

I really like that the protagonist's look is so dorky. Stupid, random baseball cap, trenchcoat that isn't unique or fashionable. Makes sense, given the premise, that he wouldn't want to look awesome, or interesting.

Even not-so-good games can seem much better on a tablet. And something about my own gaming preferences/addictions makes me think I'd get sucked into it, in a big way.

Biggest revelation in this story: There's a Prey 2 fan site?!

I agree, in principle, but this isn't for the likes of you and me. No one scolds Ferrari for not making Sonatas.

I remember watching that music video, where the two of them are "tastefully" nude, and raging, oh was I raging, at him for taking such a gorgeous, classy lady off the market, to be the worst kind of trophy wife/hostage.

I've never heard of a game that looks so incredibly good on paper. If it weren't PC-only, this would have been my first Kickstarter contribution.