Erik Sofge

No need. His wine isn't exactly Sonoma quality, but he can sure churn the stuff out.

Take out the gamer part, which is tacked on and superfluous, and he isn't all wrong. I was certainly an unmarriable schmuck in my 20's.

Yes! So much yes! I never played it when I should have (no specific reason), but I would play it to death on iOS.

That was my experience with Vice City. I played for a bit, and wandered away half-way through, back when it was first released. But, for whatever reason, I devoured that mother on the iPad.

That image is killing me.

Thanks. And that chart is mesmerizing...

Good points. I just didn't get why Articuno76 was talking about the Vita, in that comment.

I prefer to imagine what said person would sound like, just laughing-out-loud like crazy, mid-sentence, post-sentence, all the damn time.

This is exactly what I want, so hard. But I'm confused about the Vita connection. Why would you add that wrinkle, instead of just focusing on streaming PS4 games to the PS4?

That image is incredible.

Bad guys in video games aren't the smartest sort. In MMOs, they're barely even conscious.

"Which means that any changes that must happen to the script after are usually done by someone else. I've even seen producers get tasked with re-writes."

I really liked her point, at the very end:

Throw in a CoD-style scene where you're shuffling slowly, painfully slowly, towards the unlocked, propped-open service entrance, only to dragged back inside by a clutch of snake-haired MiB, and I'm pre-ordering (for the exclusive insects-scrambling-under-your-flesh character skin).

"Or better yet, do games like cod and battlefield even have or need writers? Just go to a mental asylum and make your game around the stuff that comes out of loonie's mouth."

Is there a breakdown of how many were award posthumously? I always assumed it was the majority, but that's based on nothing.

The rare, totally appropriate usage of said law. Well done, soldier.

The best part: This guy likely isn't even doing two of those at once. Have you ever witnessed corporate execs in their natural habitat? They certainly aren't grinding for epic items while listening to EDM while tweeting and Google Hanging-out with their buds, and sometimes glancing over at that Firefly episode with

That's great. I hadn't put together how utterly fucking nuts that sentence is. What kind of horrible TV shows is this guy "watching," presumably on mute, while chatting and gaming and kicking back with some sweet tunes?

"What happens with people that are bad at English?"