
Er, meant bug in the non-PS4 versions.

I’m wondering if it’s a bug in the PS4 version, since all versions have the Lady scene censored.**

Excellent write-up, Ian!

I’m int he camp thinking The Bun will end up swerving into Fire/Electric.

Not even just what you’ve said, but the fact is Nintendo’s finally gotten a successor all-around “right” after 3 subsequent entries with Ultimate. The game is great to play and watch and hits the cross-section between Melee and “modern” Smash. It deserves the shine.

Nothing will replace Melee.

A lot of people with more time and IQ points than me have put it better, so I’ll just say this:

Mixed thoughts, so my only vocal contribution to The Discourse will be:

Thank ya!

Now playing

Snowboard Kids 1 and 2 both have incredible MIDI (or whatever the proper term is) soundtracks, it cannot be overstated.

Can the world just...fucking stop for a day.

I really hope the general gameplay and competitive character variety of Ultimate keeps up into the future as tech evolves, tiers solidify, and Nintendo adds balance updates and DLC. It’s so fun to watch.

You’re right, and I agree, I should’ve worded my result more thoroughly. More Hog on this, the year of hog!

No new skins. He has his Journey to the West one that’s available again.

There’s a third point: If you’re curious, KH3 will most definitively serve as a fine entry point. If you don’t buy in, you’ll probably still be left with a fine video game, even if the story doesn’t hook you. Or if you bounce off completely...well, that’s life and video games, leave in peace to find what brings you


He was wearing FOUR LIGHTS.

My brother from another multiverse.

Just in case you forgot.