
Speaking of which.

Even if you think you can slide with the humanoid characters, how absolutely lazy and dumb are you to think you can get away with a CHOCOBO?

Same way I keep everything else in my life together, good or bad:

Good stuff! OW team looks to be on the ball, hope it continues.

The near-end “LumeriCo” phase was pretty good! It built up the world of OW some more and got us into “character” as Sombra’s personal “collective.”

Drinking heavily, ask me nothing.

I’m freaking to.

I also haven’t played in a while, but since the bunny seems to be with the Pandaren in the “Jade Lotus” faction, I’d assume so. Which, honestly, if we go with panda-people as a thing, seems fine.

Not against this, hoping for the best, dunno how viable it’ll prove.

Make friends with your local big-boned Aussie and his physics-bending hook.

It doesn’t matter.

Something something hot dog something World Series something mustard gas. #JustWWIThings

But for serious, the tl;dr version of the ARG up to today is that November 1 is (in-universe) advertised as the date of Lumerico, the power company for whom the attackers push the truck in the Dorado map, to officially power on a new nuclear power plant.

Said it before and will keep saying it, the collective Sun/Moon designs are only topped by Red/Blue and Gold/Silver for me. The fun and appropriateness for the setting exudes from the games’ pores. They’ve hit it out of the park, as far as I’m concerned.

Sega’s been cool with fan projects in the past, so I think this is safe unless Nintendo’s influence has increased.

Sun/Moon has been the best gen for designs since Gold/Silver, in my ranks.

Three delicious minutes confirmed.

All IMO, natch:

Sweet! Would go in /r/ gaming.