Greg Ian Riggs

The put fucking Sacramento on this list. Sacramento.

Your guts are stupid.

This list needs The Blade Itself. That is all.

That's a swell straw man.

The vast majority of Everton fans are not happy with Enner Valencia. “Ecstatic” is not the word I would use.

Look at all this disgusting cultural appropriation. Gross.

I think he’s badass.

Right, we shouldn't make fun of celebrities and thier mental problems. You realize this is a Gawker media site?

You’re not being a very good ally.

Can we replace the garbage featured in the article with this piece of art?

Oh What! You sound crazy! Although what would be actually crazy if Kotaku had one writer who wasn’t a full on leftist.

No, what you should realize is that when such a small percentage of the population commits half of the murders in a country, that population is going to be treated differently.

Whites statistically commit more crimes than blacks, yet blacks are considered more dangerous.

Is IO9 against discussion of racial ideas or is it above critique? Because the idea that there is an authentic black experience is in fact racist.

Except saying there is an authentic black experience is in fact racist.

So brave.

LOL! Savvy about the whole god thing? IS that what you call being a dick?

You are such a good ally. Pat yourself on the back.

Not a big deal in terms of in a context of “who is the blackest”. It’s just disappointing that you would contribute to the narrative that there is a more authentically black experience. Or a correct way to represent blackness.