"Harm"? That sounds a bit melodramatic. And how does airing FARSCAPE, BSG, WH13, EUREKA, and umpteen seasons of STARGATE amount to "harming" sf. Sure, they've cancelled some shows before their time, but what network hasn't?
"Harm"? That sounds a bit melodramatic. And how does airing FARSCAPE, BSG, WH13, EUREKA, and umpteen seasons of STARGATE amount to "harming" sf. Sure, they've cancelled some shows before their time, but what network hasn't?
But even Farscape ran for FOUR seasons (plus a miniseries.) It's not like Syfy routinely snuffs out shows in their infancy. Most run two or three years at the very least.
Throw in some Flu Birds and you've really got something!
Also, what's with this persistent myth that "Syfy cancels everything"? Farscape ran for four seasons, BSG ran for four season, Eureka ran for five seasons, Stargate ran forever, WH13 is heading into its fourth season, Haven is heading into its third, Being Human and Alphas are still going strong. That's not a bad…
That was ten years ago. I miss Farscape, too, but I think the statute of limitations has run out there . . . .
Scifi, fantasy, horror . . . I'm not a purist about this. And I'm really enjoying WAREHOUSE 13, which a lot of fun. To me, "light and campy" is not a bad thing. Who says sf/fantasy has to be deadly serious all the time?
Defiance and Booster Gold interest me the most, although I'm disappointed not to see that WH13 spinoff starring H.G. Wells.
Nicely done! And, yeah, like no other network has ever cancelled a scifi/fantasy show before.
I kind of like Spock and Uhura, which was foreshadowed as early as "The Man Trap" and "Charlie X."
For what it's worth, Robert Picardo wanted the Doctor to get together with Seven, too.
Which guest-starred Vincent Price . . . really!
Okay, now I want to write a LOST GIRL novel titled "Fae from the Madding Crowd."
But what's the difference between an "Alien Tornado" and a "Space Twister"? Enquiring minds want to know!
Vampire Diaries still seems to be going strong . . . despite Torres guest-starring as a witch.
Okay, it's not FIREFLY, but let's not overlook the fact that CASTLE already has TNG's Michael Dorn in a recurring role as Kate's therapist.
Based on the novel by Rachel Klein, just to give it credit where it's due.
I will go to my grave wishing I'd had to the chance to write CLEOPATRA 2525 tie-in novel.
I feel obliged to point out that, in Avengers #1, Hulk was actually posing as a ROBOT clown . . .
Fun list. I'd add David Lynch and David Cronenberg. I mean, we all know what it means when we say that something "feels like a David Lynch movie."
I think most of them have to do with defensiveness and perhaps a heavy dose of fannish entitlement. People get very proprietary about their favorite show or genre, then start to think that they understand it better than anyone else, including the creators, other fans, and, worse yet, people who prefer that all that…