
Damn, that thing is ugly.

Direct democracy via referendum has been one of the characteristic features of many Scandinavian and Germanic governments (this includes many of the original features of English common law, and commonwealth style town councils in New England) since at least the Medieval period. Currently, Switzerland is based upon

They do not represent the people. They represent whomever bought them at election time. The process of election has been subverted so thoroughly, that the democracy which our founders set up is almost unrecognizable today.

Incorrect. They do not represent the people. They represent whomever bought them at election time. The process of election has been subverted so thoroughly, that the democracy which our founders set up, to use your words, 'sure wouldn't have still been around', whatever that assertion means to you.

Easy. A topless, lifted Samurai, with only a bikini screen for shade:

The proper vehicle for this sort of policing, is the UN. The world should use the international institutions which we currently have, to develop and implement an international rule of law, with sanctions derived from the mandate of those institutions, and then prosecute those responsible for breech of the laws.

Kinda. The 'representative of the people' part is not really accurate:


Just a little different, and a pretty stable platform, for cheeps. No Brainer.

Umm... fire suit:

Hang in there baby, Friday's comin'...

I can't buy this.