
Soak in a weak bleach solution overnight. Especially the seals/tops.

Well said.  But whoever wrote that up there isn’t a doctor, they are a stooge.

Trump doesn’t really want anything he says he is in favor of. He only says those things to resonate with a certain voter base. And once he says it, and has their support, he completely forgets what he promised to do.

I haven’t seen it close-up enough to tell, personally.

He still has frat boy acne.  It’s disturbing.

Well, the accumulation of experience tends toward wisdom. But only if you’re paying attention. Some people stay at the peak forever. True.

That’s just a risk/benefit difference. What makes taking any risk brave? Are you saying sociopaths are the bravest, because they risk their whole lives on behavior that is so out of bounds that they will have their lives destroyed if it goes poorly for them?

Thanks. You’re right about branding. I guess I’m old enough to remember what sorts of negative things happened to people who criticized the Establishment back in the day. Hell, it’s happening now, albeit more furtively. That’s why I said what I did about Studs Terkel. For much of his career, he couldn’t get real

I hear she makes big, bold, brave choices.

You mean like you? Nah. Never.

“Be satisfied with what you have now” is the wrong thought at a time when the nation as a whole is looking for new ideas. Instead, we need to be actively challenging the notion that the two party system is adequate to represent our widely diverse electorate, and be moving to change laws that entrench power in an

Age per se isn’t the issue, except in the sense that you need to have enough life experience to be able to have sufficient wisdom to make decisions for 300 million people. In that sense, some of those running aren’t old enough. Even if they meet the framers’ age requirement.

Or go straight Green Party.  The GP has been screaming about this longer than anybody else.

So if GM makes more profit in China than the US, and has bigger offices and staff there, does that make GM Chinese?

‘Nearly’ is the wrong adverb. I’d say ‘Episodically’ since it only strikes occasionally, but when it does, you’re rendered torpid and ashamed.

Well, he’s already declared to be running as of this morning, so all previous speculations are moot. But my point was that I think he should be challenging Cornyn instead at this time. In my opinion, he has a better chance to influence real change in Washington by flipping that senate seat.

Sure, if sitting on your hands is the only option. In his case, it’s not.

You know, I almost dismissed this as irrelevant to the point I was making. But honestly, I think you may be too right about a lot of them...

Clinton succeeded in balancing the budget, but only at dreadful cost. You can read more about it in the congressional record. At the time, it was felt that if we balanced it, then stayed budget neutral going forward, we would be safe.

This is why we need a hard turn to the left. Trying to build centrist policy failed.