
You must see the flaw in logic here though. Many aspects of the freedom of speech are not totally free if they impact a protected class. If someone states they are having an abortion based on sex or race, why should that not be illegal? It seems that some freedoms are being treated more equal than others. That is my

"Trying to dictate what others eat is no better than the G.O.P. trying to regulate my uterus."

"When the cronut craze started here in New York"

The idea of punching up is infantizing. Separate but equal amiright?


TL;DR: Jezebel discovers the "Tall-T", buys oversized shirt instead.

I'm saying this is white-washing and not the only reality. There was racism well before the west even came out of the dark ages. In English the term is very very new:

All the ones I found related were paywalled (;_;)

Is this because of the stars or the neck? I feel as if there is a punchline and i'm the only one not laughing because I didn't get it but should have.

Sometimes I do not pick up on your social ques but I am not a multi-user or anything of the sort and am not an MRA or a feminist because both I view has saying things they cannot prove with data.

"minstrel cycles"

This makes sense to me. Thank you for responding with a real answer.

I'm not trolling but perhaps I did not pick this up in the single art [history] class I took against my will. How can one judge for this which is an image issue? It was my understanding that art cannot be judged as it was created as an expression of the artist?

I am not a troll. Perhaps you don't understand hyperlogical behavior? If you can find something factually incorrect with what I say please let me know and I will research and change as needed. I am not mocking you or saying anything about you as a person.

So fat,slut,hair,tan,color,shaving,size,heels,makeup,skinny,speech,class and education shaming are bad... but skin/tattoo shaming are ok? Good to know. All I see here is people judging a woman who made a personal choice to her own body that has no impact on your life.

Anti-body-image-shaming or ABIS is not a standard I put in place here:

Correct. I'm also not the writer of a pro-woman blog that supposedly has a standard in not judging body image or choices made to ones' own body. I would like to point out before I explain why I do not and why I never will that your point is a logical fallacy.

Are you judging what another woman does with her body?

There are confirmed scis here in addition to people that know sources of non-paywalled data. I figure if they see it they will respond since it is kept whenever someone searches for this years from now and may have the same thought.