
Katie, there is so much wrong with religion. There is so much wrong going on. This specific instance is not it. What better thing have you done for someone in your own life?

If that was the case I wouldn't have purposely listed past, present and future examples. You don't understand that I read from everyone, regardless of ideology. For instance, many of these problems with future technology and current labels were hinted at in [famous feminist]Donna Haraway's 'A Cyborg Manifesto'. To see

You can label me all you want to, but that doesn't make it true. You are literally using logic that was used to keep women down so much they had to create a logical fallacy regarding it:…

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

You're being biased.

If you have more money than tech skill just buy an Arduino kit [with project attachments] from RadioShack. They even have how-to DIY sessions at certain locations. Personally I like cheap and small in case I need to mass produce so Arduino doesn't fit my needs.

How does one handle people who don't read data-sets before they read a blog post?

Did you look up the actual cost of that? For the first run. If you can justify that, you are just blinded by ideology. I stick up for no party. I've been against bullshit for every side. I've seen what bullshit went down under Bush Sr in terms of GMOs [ not health, but industry and environmental related ].

For someone that supposedly works with social data, you seem to hate showing your applied data-sets. Can't even query.

You have yet to show any data. Why is that?

Not as a sign of elitism or self-worth though. In the 90's they were just called Try-Hards. I know they aren't Ansel is IN SOHO. Logical fallacy: SOHO is not the same thing. Not equal.

Your photo could be biased against time. For instance a photo taken early on a Sunday is less likely to contain hipsters.

The local "movement" is a hipster thing. As in a movement which also has ties to anti-gmo. That is not the case either, as I was alive in Urban SF, and NY for those time periods. Local back then was about the social and freedom aspects. The purpose has changed, not the result. This is why entire building tops were not

People who fiend on being trendy through aspects of faux-unique issues and the past, most commonly shown through clothing, music, and food. Bonus points if irony is used as a display vessel to express the above.

Only a delusional hipster would say that [which again shows my point]. The dropping of one's mic has been around since the 80's... Hipsters made it a meme based on another point in time. I'm older so I know about the origin.

This is the problem with ideology under a group flag. The bar is always set higher and higher until it becomes insane and in some cases gross.

"which implies that the less you see the product, the less you see the period and the hotter you are."

See response, *drops mic*.

That does not logically prove your point correct, ie that someone is not a hipster. I was showing that your age demographics were statistically incorrect. You cannot even admit that. Do you cry yourself to sleep often?

This isn't true. Please see other cases of stand-your-ground in this state. Do you even live in FL? Have you ever? The most common usage is by Miami gangsters to kill each other. It would be wise of you to do some actual research first. Everyone gets off the same, it's just a bad law.