Until I saw that I was half debating whether this was actually from him or ‘his people’. Such a mild statement with nothing in all caps or any exclamation points. Is this the new, emotionally-broken Trump tweets we get once he’s lost Fox News?
Until I saw that I was half debating whether this was actually from him or ‘his people’. Such a mild statement with nothing in all caps or any exclamation points. Is this the new, emotionally-broken Trump tweets we get once he’s lost Fox News?
Not intended as an insult... and wasn’t sure if you’re Arizonan or followed the primary race at all... but I could have seen your words coming straight from the mouth Ward, one of McSally’s primary opponents. Know a few of her supporters and saw some of her comments on her ‘personal’ accounts outside the public view…
Either this is a supporter of Kelli Ward, who McSally defeated in the primary, or someone who pretty much verbatim speaks how Ward felt about how this election went down. She and her supporters literally spent the weekend McCain died complaining about how he stole her thunder during her final campaign push.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that his last wife also had an extensive meth problem, except last time he created an entire newspaper (which lasted all of about two editions) just to “expose” the corruption in local law enforcement.
Hope they take some of the K-rails and concertina wire back with them, because the 6-7 hour wait to cross the border here (would have been 4 on a terrible day in prior years, and CBP somehow insists it’s “under 5" now nonetheless) ain’t cutting it. The sad part is that this bullshit is causing real and tangible losses…
As far as that number 2, there was an incident here where the former occupant of the office across the hall from me apparently (I was out at the time) suddenly ran down the hall, out the door, and in the direction of the nearest restroom. Another worker nearby went in there ten minutes later and found what looked like…
I swear I saw an offhand mention in some pre-release article that RDR2 had close to a half million lines of dialog, which I guess might include each ‘line’ said by opposing sides in a conversation, since those can often be interrupted and restarted. When I first read that, I didn’t believe it, but after experiencing…
They weren’t silent after Vegas— they put out a statement demanding carry reciprocity be passed nationwide so that innocent people could have defended themselves... apparently by using a pistol to pick off the shooter across the street on the twentysomethingth floor of a tower.
The deafening silence from the NRA every time a legally-possessing, legally-carrying, and compliant person of color is killed by law enforcement speaks volumes about their true political motivations.
Nope. Just a realist.
Corporations don’t care about employees. Corporations don’t care about families. Corporations don’t care about communities. Corporations don’t care about the aftermath of their decisions. Corporations don’t care about Making America Great.
Actually, the AZ R’s had originally wanted to immediately stop all counting of outstanding mail ballots with signature issues, but by the time they could get in front of a judge, Sinema had moved ahead. Then they changed tactics in hopes some rural pocket of illegible signatures might save them from this eventuality.
Personally, my favorite was the anti-Kristen Sinema mailed that I got, where the back side was a lenticular image of Phoenix getting nuked.
I think Arizona (Phoenix) worked because we’re accustomed to Spring Training, which in addition to the number of transplants here is why the visiting team often is very well-represented at DBacks games, not for lack of a strong fan base for the Snakes.w
Maricopa County (aka Phoenix) is a disaster once again, with ballot shortages everywhere and one polling place foreclosed on overnight with voting supplies locked inside.
Dark money’s done a pretty good hit job on McSally via mail here in AZ (I ignore robocalls and don’t watch much TV). Haven’t seen any pro-McSally mail. Little bit of dark money hit jobs on Sinema via mail, and a TON of pro-Sinema stuff from the DNC, and especially the National Assoc. of Realtors... I’ve been getting…
Depends on how much they’d invested with the Trump Companies.
Yeah, I just need a bit more US news. I liked the old HN because you actually got a spread of news from across the country, not just 50 minutes of politics and like one murder in flyover country.
the prospect of gun-toting amateurs posting up to live out some bizarre Red Dawn cosplay fantasy
Yeah, I miss the Headline News concept. Honestly, I really prefer to watch CBSN during the day because it’s the closest thing to that format, but it’s often easier to have a TV on cable depending on what I’m doing at work at the moment.