Won’t matter much, as our State School Superintendent is a DeVos devotee with the vocational aptitude of a bus driver.
Won’t matter much, as our State School Superintendent is a DeVos devotee with the vocational aptitude of a bus driver.
I think a simpler explanation that could tl;dr this a bit is that markets were determined (especially in more congested areas out east) by what city’s local stations were received there, and used as a way to measure ratings and establish ‘territory’ for where your station serves. Massachusetts stations far from Boston…
There’s just something about the immediate turn-and-glide-away that hockey refs can do that adds some majesty to the call.
Just bookmark this clip and link to it anytime you ever see someone try to position OANN as a reputable source of info. The inclusion about the congrats from the owner who’s obviously steering the narrative is gold.
Mueller? ha ha
I think he sexually harassed half the women here in Yuma in that one year, according to the stories some of my friends less than half his age tell.
Oh, a spelling bee sketch (haven’t Hulued it yet). Guess they needed a break from the weekly classroom-based sketches lately?
You’d be surprised how half of them aren’t oval anymore.
Probably can get Not-Trump to foot some or most of the cost too, the thievin’ bastard.
What’s the “logical” explanation on why a candidate for AL is having a rally in FL?
I’ve got a professor for a 400-level communications course right now who has 100% of his Blackboard shell and course documents in Comic Sans. Part of me wonders if it’s a test of our mettle.
They can go down to Stamford and work on the Maury show.
My college’s women’s team ended the first quarter up 9-5 in their home opener this week. Came back to finish with a more respectable score than the 36-20 I was rooting for... ha ha
Thank you for doing the work I was trying to talk myself out of doing after watching that. ha ha
The difference is that we don’t know what winter tires are here in (most of) Arizona. ha ha
Or grinding those spikes on his shoes down a bit. Wear some damn Skechers if the grass is that bad.
Yeah, I’ll cut them some slack for either not being able to see or not paying attention. It looks more like all of the smilers are joking around or responding to others... not looking at the field directly when they laugh. That said, I don’t know how the director stayed on that shot as long as they did and then dumped…
I’m surprised it’s actually doing well ratings-wise. Don’t get me wrong; I love it. Usually that just translates to “cancelled after five episodes”. And don’t get me started about Fox and edgy sci-fi shows....
And I think about 40% of the population is somehow still on 11.1.1, judging by how many people STILL have the I autocorrect thing going on. I’m finding which friends to lose respect for since that patch was out almost two weeks ago now, and I still see them complaining about it rather than updating.
And I think about 40% of the population is somehow still on 11.1.1, judging by how many people STILL have the I…