
Not necessarily. If he's expecting her to eat his ass for dinner, he should at least be keeping things to a standard where he would do the same. It's just the courteous thing to do.

Yeah, but you also underestimate the ability of the cities in Maricopa Co. to throw money and piss all over the place when it comes to fighting amongst themselves over these ‘lucrative’ deals. There were other suburbs in play before the Glendale arena was built, and they poach MLB spring training teams from each other

After it hit 100˚ in March I decided I’m going to annoy the hell out of people all summer after hearing their incessant bitching about the 43 feet of snow they got. ha ha —in Yuma

Must be different guac recipes at play at Subway then... because the guac here in AZ is actually spicy as hell... way more than I expected from a national chain. First time I tried that sandwich I stuck to my usual pepper jack, and that plus the chipotle sauce and the guac had me breaking a sweat (well, maybe that and

Yeah, that too.

Sometimes it’s just hard to tell when you’re writing or pitching what’s going to go over. Despite the warmup guy’s hinting to Letterman’s audience to still try to ‘support’ jokes that fall flat, you do get the occasional room of crickets on the monologue or Top Ten. And often Dave’s ad lib after that happens ends up

Not always. Though sometimes with the guest-delivered ones, I think the terrible delivery by whoever is doing it makes a big difference. When they stumble or have really bad inflection on the punchline it makes a big difference.

On one of the many interviews and such I’ve seen lately, it was mentioned that they typically shoot for #s 10, 6, and 2 to be the funniest three. Obviously the #2/#1 is for the irony that #1 usually sucks. #10 because they like to start strong, and #6 so they get a good laugh when they go to the second page of

I was never as much of a fan of the Shuttles as their jog/shuttle wheels always seemed too light and flimsy compared to what I’d prefer. One of the old-school NLE’s we had at my last TV job (circa 2000, a FAST Purple, had the best controller I’ve ever seen. The jog wheel was silky smooth and was a chunk of metal with

The bitchin blue-white afterburner takeoffs at dusk make up for it. Love when I’m driving home at the right time to see one.

Actually they're heading to the east coast this month to spend some time flying actual operations off a carrier.

-1 pt. It’s ALS, not fucking Parkinson’s. You’ve got your Michael J. Fox and Stephen Hawking confused.

Not to mention the damn ambulance driver boonie bouncing on his way out of the stadium. I don’t think the 20 seconds you shaved off by hauling ass were worth practically knocking the poor guy off the stretcher.

Also, the Great Recession resulted in a huge hit to rail traffic on the Sunset Route. We went from seeing nonstop trains to just a handful a day... and I went about six months without ever seeing one in motion on a weekend.

It’s not uncommon for railroads to keep units in their heritage fleet in the livery of other railroads they’ve absorbed or merged with, which appears to be what is going on there. Union Pacific has a whole collection of locomotives, many in regular service, that have special paintjobs. I see the ‘merger’ ones

Really, no samples? Or are you doing the corporate overlords of the world a favor so we’ll stick to just reading Deadspin at work instead of falling asleep at our desks outright?

My guess is J&J only has the rights to screw the U.S. over a barrel and with no lube or reacharound.

They’re airing it nationally in Mexico on Televisa and Azteca 7. I happen to be in AZ, just down the road from Mexicali, BC, and can pick up their stations easily.

Upside to living along the border is that there's two stations just across the border airing it for free OTA. Too bad I don't give a shit about the fight.

Really, no mention of the Nowhere Porn channel, which pulls content from a few dozen sites like RedTube, PornHub, and Xhamster? ha ha ha

Not that I have it installed or anything... *shuffles away*