
Meanwhile, an ambulance driving like this in the US also would have hit a half dozen oblivious idiots and have been passed by that one asshole on a crotch rocket taking advantage of the private lane.

I've only done one half, and it was an RnR. Was it expensive? Yeah. Did I really think a lot was going to a charity? Not especially. Was it a huge undertaking to close miles of city streets and have all the other logistics in place? Obviously. Did I enjoy it, and would I do it again? You bet. Wanted to do the Vegas

Wouldn't it more likely be the stadium staff's problem?

A couple weeks before my fifth wedding anniversary, I was happily on the computer making hotel reservations to go out of town for it, and shopping for gift for her. Out of nowhere, she calls me into the other room, sits me down, and tells me she's realized she doesn't love me anymore. (And don't think I'm Mr Typical

A couple weeks before my fifth wedding anniversary, I was happily on the computer making hotel reservations to go out of town for it, and shopping for gift for her. Out of nowhere, she calls me into the other room, sits me down, and tells me she's realized she doesn't love me anymore. (And don't think I'm Mr Typical

A couple weeks before my fifth wedding anniversary, I was happily on the computer making hotel reservations to go out of town for it, and shopping for gift for her. Out of nowhere, she calls me into the other room, sits me down, and tells me she's realized she doesn't love me anymore. (And don't think I'm Mr Typical

Yeah. Lay off the frame blending. Actually made it harder to see, especially if you didn't go HD.

And I always felt self-conscious about swinging like that at the local batting cages.

If the contracts didn't have a non-disparagement clause or something similar... then someone's lawyers dropped the ball.

That was my thought exactly. When I saw the presser I couldn't figure out why in the hell there was a Radisson backdrop... what a bonehead move...

I highly recommend Julian Hard Cider out of the San Diego area. They do a traditional apple, plus Cherry Bomb and Black & Blue (-berry), plus seasonal varieties like Razzmatazz (raspberry) and Apple Pi. Still affordable but sooooo much better than Johnny Appleseed... that stuff is the Natty Light of hard cider.

Here's the thing. Generally like him/them. I'm just SOOOO tired of pretty much every song having that falsetto and seemingly going one level higher with it. 'Maps' was my breaking point and now it's banned on my Slacker account. I was glad 'It Was Always You' finally got him down into a normal human range again. Looks

Naw... what I heard didn't fall under crappy rock/punk vocals. It was more akin to Levine's balls-in-a-vice falsetto (I like him/them otherwise) mixed with that 'leaked' Britney audio from a little while back.

You're doing the world an injustice if we don't get the Maroon 5 vocals too. I've heard cats mate with better pitch control.

It's a damn good thing the cage caught it as well as it did (and that a wheel didn't come around the open part in front or anything) seeing as how he's too busy looking at what I assume is the controls for the caution lights rather than paying attention to the track. Or maybe he was securing the pack of smokes to keep

Sadly, I think the more typical one might be the asshat in the van that apparently has something more important to do. Would be willing to bet that a commercial vehicle like that also had a fire extinguisher.

I feel that way about pretty much all of the album. The originals show his talent, the re-masters sound overproduced and like bland pop you'd hear on the radio today. His demo of "Love Never Felt So Good" is so much more powerful in its simplicity.

I was happy when the ice water challenge died off on my social media over two months ago. Don't understand this guy who is getting the credit for 'creating' it a few weeks ago... half my city did it in June, and everyone here was doing our own local charities and keeping the money local. Our domestic violence shelter

My god, I thought this thing had finally died off as I hadn't seen any on my social media in about a month. It ravaged our city about two months ago; one of our local TV stations even had a local ice company sponsoring their torturing of their talent with repeated bucketing in front of a local store.

My first thought would be to block anything other than standard unformatted text posts (and maybe html links) in posts from burner accounts.