
A kid who is just getting to know his own sexuality having an experience like that in front of everybody? The middle schoolers I've known, both boys and girls, have as their primary characteristic self-consciousness about EVERYTHING, from the way they look drinking water to the way their socks do or don't wrinkle


I totally thought this was going to say:

Sigh. And yet my husband has been trying for two years to get a job in education.

Yes, that's why this article was written. Out of a feeling of not caring about this, obvs.

When has a middle schooler ever had a good idea about ANYTHING, let alone exotic dancing? Is she new to life? Did she just get here? Do adults regularly grind on children at work where she comes from? Is there no teacher's lounge where colleagues take a break and run HORRIBLE, illegal ideas by each other? So many

I'm pretty sure I had no idea what a lap dance was when I was in middle school. (There was no internet back then.)

Ugg I hate the assumption that pubescent boys must enjoy and sexual advances made on them by older women. How is it not clear to us regardless of whether they like it or not, it's child molestation because they're not old enough to fully get what's happening to them.

Really, teacher or not, what normal adult human would think that giving a lap dance to a middle-schooler is a good idea or somehow not feel weird about putting their face between a 12-year-old's legs? Like wow.

This is so fucking creepy on so many levels that I can't even see all of them from here. I'm willing to bet this isn't the first inappropriate thing this teacher has done. Kids don't just decide overnight that they're going to request a lap dance.

I saw that. Same logic as those predatory 11 year old girls who just lead those poor innocent men on with their lusty sexy ways. Children be all sexed up these days dontcha know.

In mine, which was four years before that, I don't think we would even have used the phrase "lap dance" within hearing of most of the teachers, let alone suggested one.

right. I get asked to prom as a teacher and just laugh and say no but a lap dance request would go straight to admin. Some people....

Seriously. It makes me wonder how many layers of inappopriateness she'd already traveled through with that class to make them think this was a viable suggestion.

at very least, the boys who joked that Mrs. Smith should give Birthday Boy a lap dance should get some quality time in the dean's office after class, rather than being taken up on their suggestion

From the linked article:

She's that teacher that goes back into a school setting and falls back into her own school experience, needing validation from the kids, needing to be the cool teacher and bowing to student pressure that same way kids now to peer pressure. At every school there's that one teacher that forgets that just because they

As near as I can tell, a lot of people care. I would say most people find this sort of behavior unacceptable. I think it's important to not base your opinions of humans solely on the comment sections of various sites on the internet.

Back in MY day *cough*2000*cough, if I would've asked my teacher for a lap dance, I would've gotten a suspension. Just sayin'...

He is a boy. Middle school. I think this post proves you are being silly.