
 They told the Times they admired him.

He says he took for granted that he knew they would be blackballed/disbelieved by powerful people in the industry

Jezebel: Journalism is sitting on computers sending out emails and reporting on those emails we didn’t really get a satisfactory response on. Then real reporters will pursue the story and we pat ourselves on the back.


Yeah people forget that pandering to that base and ignoring issues that would have helped everyone got Hillary elected president!

Yeah people forget that pandering to thar base amd ignoring issues that would have helped everyone got Hillary elected president!

So he wasn’t allowed to run for the nomination? An outsider coming in was against the rules. Someone should have told him.

So he wasn’t allowed to run for the nomination? An outsider coming in was against the rules. Someone should have told him.

When i interned at a studio a decade ago i was told stories about him abusing his several attractive 20-something male assistants.

Friend who worked on x men said there were always teenagers with winnipeghim.

Friend who worked on x men said there were always teenagers with him.

Friend who worked on x men said there were always teenagers with him.

The other side thinks an actual fight for wages and health care isn’t worth fighting for. Better to say nice things about diversity and continue to pander for corporate cash.

Bad phrasing but could he have just meant that broadly beneficially policies need to be focused on (that help all Americans)? The Dem establishment would love trans people to use the bathrooms of their choice but don’t give a fuck about actually fighting for them to have a living wage-or anything else that might hurt

You wouldn’t have to worry about them leaving with their pointlessly massive amount of money if they weren’t allowed to accrue it in the first place.

The smithsonian needs kickstarter? Wtf?

Friends of mine worked on Fargo, apparently they were pretty shameless throughout the entire shoot.

Maybe they were just working in a capitalistic system? One where being an asshole leads to being a boss. Having affairs isn’t an illegal act.
I interned at a Hollywood production company about the same size. Trust me, none of the employees knew shit about the private lives of the executives (they knew they were

She was his friends girlfriend, so she wasn’t a random stranger. Seems he remembers that but not the exchange.

One’s a doc and the other is a drama. So France is a thief because he made a different film about a public figure?