
Peter Kuplowsky, ughh

So every company that hires an ex-con should have to put up a sign announcing it??

Fuck him too. All of them.

*cough* she ruined the lives of millions in Libya and Syria *cough*


Ifeel the good movies hit in spring now. Fall got cliche, summers sucks, so spring is good now

They already got picked up by Tiff, that makes them unappealing for Venice

Like her cute #stealsjokes hash tag. She stole jokes.

How about someone that can act? Through all of Wonder Woman all Gadot does is react with simplistic emotions (happy! sad! angry!). She was wooden as hell, on par with early Van Damme. Hemsworth played basically the same character in Thor but actually had some charm.

So a group is organizing to undermine striking workers for free (the austerity government must loooove that). They’re not scabs... Because they’re muslim?

I may be wrong here but it seems to me he points towards working class whites as a demo the dems lost. They lost far less votes from POC.

Gotta get those instagram likes. Misery porn is fun!

Just visited Japan and can say that Lost In Translation is totally racist. So, good idea? She only cares about white people.

His last film, The BFG, had a female lead as well

Yeah Bernie is such a fucking racist. Thank you for continually linking to the proof of that when you take him to task in pieces like this. So much hard proof that he is a racist and that his policies for poor people were awful!

Hot take: even well paid people are fearful of rocking the boat at work. His job was to chuckle at celebrities making bad jokes. He has no moral backbone but few of us do in that situation. Capitalism!

Wonder which center-left neoliberal trainwreck she’ll gravitate towards next!

It should hearten us that their biggest heroes are some of history’s biggest losers.

Where oh where will we be able to hear her dumb opinions now?!