
Any president worth his/her salt would have flown down to Charlottesville to meet with community leaders and the victims’ families and given a speech either in a church or at UVa.

Nothing that has happened since the day he announced he was running for president would indicate that he will ever face any meaningful consequences for anything that he had done.


Of COURSE they’re all white, too. And the one on the right has his wiener out for all to see.

I am black. I have been to Medford (Ashland is really the college town but Medford is seedier and right next door). Can confirm; if you don’t mind being objectified it’s like being a bear in a salmon run.

Seconded. Can someone please post some shirtless pics of Justin? You know, to help get us through the day.

How about all states who voted against Trump declare their will to secede from the USA and combine it with the intention to join up with Canada ?

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

I adored it. Maybe in Ivory instead of baby blue, but from the cut of the jacket to the length of the skirt, to the matching gloves I thought she looked stunning. Don’t want her husband for president, but her outfit was gorgeous.

¿Might I suggest an ebola-flavored dildo?

He’s positioning himself to be the “sane” alternative to Trump, for a convention coup.

In their final moments on earth, these poor girls were fully aware that their own mother was going to blow them away just to spite their father. On his birthday.

“Law-abiding gun owners” is a dogwhistle for “white people”.

I’m a man. I “binge drink.” Not once have I though “Is that chick unconscious? I’D BETTER RAPE HER!” In truth, if you are drunk enough to no long have any inhibitions about rape, your are unconscious, or, at the very least, unable to “perform.” This shit stain was plenty sober.

Both his father and attorney (and presumably the guy himself) have echoed this statement....why are people acting like that’s a good suggestion of atonement?

I have literally never heard the word “promiscuous” applied to a man.

Okay, but to be fair, sleeping with a number of people (what number is it that makes someone promiscuous, again?) definitely means you want to be violated while unconscious. Like, that’s just a straight up if-then logic thingy.