Gravity Maguire

I don’t like her because she is pretty and she has money’

Republicans like to try and duck their culpability for this shit show by saying that they voted for Trump because they weren’t going to vote for Hillary.

It just struck me, because I’m old. Monica was a child. Linda was a cow.

Here’s how this will play out: Deaths from coronavirus end up being far less than the most pessimistic estimates of 1-2 million (estimates that depended on no action being taken whatsoever), largely because states, localities started taking proactive measures, such as shutting down schools and canceling events, while

I could never rise to Monica Lewinsky’s level of magnanimity.

Chris Evans will ALWAYS be the best Chris, but this article has me willing to move Pine to a tied 2nd place with Hemsworth (previously Hemsworth had 2nd to himself with Pine at a respectable 3rd).

This is clearly the only acceptable response. Chris Evans is far and above the best Chris. That’s just science.

Sometimes people who have been dealt a really bad hand in life seek comfort in church. Here’s an example of a group of people in American territory who have been dealt a pretty bad hand by, uh, America.

Classic non-apology, placing the blame on the offended not the offender.

I for one applaud the kid for transferring. He is a principled student. If the athlete was an award winning quarterback then the coach would be sent packing.

Agreed. A large number of Black Americans die needing an organ transplant despite the large number of compatible young dead donors, because people don’t check the box on their drivers license.

I’ll add workplace conditions are a factor as well. Doctors, nurses, EMT’s, orderly’s, maintenance workers, sanitation workers, grocery employees, USPS, utility workers, call center workers, nursing home aides, fast food workers, restaurant owners, cops, prison guards. Many black Americans are doing work that is

Not only do people of color have less access to healthcare but because of other biases they tend to live in higher density areas, live with more extended families making transmission more likely and do not have access to healthy foods leading to higher incidence of obesity, diabetes and other health issues that make

Omg I did the same thing! I’ve never known anyone else who has said that! I didn’t do the blinking thing, though... I just mowed it ALL down! My guess is that it was probably the result of me seeing a Department of Transportation crew mowing the grass and weeds on the side of the roads with their mowing saw blade

This is completely irrelevant, but as an Indian kid whose family is all vegetarian, that Temple of Doom scene always fucked with and confused me.

Go to “free tax USA” to file electronically a zero income for 2019. They will fill out your state returns let it but just click remove at the end. They will file to the IRS electronically for free. Then go to to enter your checking account number into the IRS system so they have the info on file so they have

Isn’t an unlicensed dermatologist just a criminal?

What I think it shows though, is that more people need to WFH permanently. I have for nearly a decade and have always wondered why more companies don’t do it, with people unusually suggesting “ugh it would be too hard to focus”. Now I am hearing friends and family saying “oh wow I could have done this all along”.

Latex clothing is coronavirus chic.