Gravity Maguire

Agreed. And let’s not forget Loving.

Agreed on the celebrating. It’s gross. She’s got a counterclaim happening, so he has two things he’s trying to do: win his claim against her and also defeat her claim against him. In both cases, it’s defamation and the truth is a necessary element of the defense. She needs to show that he abused her and he needs to

You know what? Given all that Britney has gone through and her own lack of autonomy in telling her story up until now, I actually don’t think anyone should be telling Jamie Lynn that she shouldn’t tell her own. Free all of the Spears kids, IMO. I won’t be reading the book, but I’m not about to suggest that it isn’t

I happened to be talking with a very prominent Arizona Republican the other day who expressed her great admiration for Sinema. “I really like her independent spirit.” Ugh.

OMG, that trailer. How is it possible that they haven’t used literally everything from season 2 just to make the trailer? 

Except that it would basically be legal malpractice not to investigate this and her attorneys 100% told her it was coming. Nobody in this lawsuit should be in any way surprised about this.

To be fair, both the nation and yours truly seem to be doing quite a bit more drinking while stuck at home. 

I deal with a lot of these at work. We call them Shirley, as in, “but surely this doesn’t actually apply to me?”

Aaaah! If you haven’t yet watched Korean zombie series The Kingdom yet, let’s just say that it’s feeling crazy relevant right now!

Well sure, if you believe that the term “feminism” rightly encompasses only wealthy white women and the men who keep them in their place. Is that the great America they keep talking about, then?

She said it before the justice passed. Now that it’s real, anything could happen.

I’m guessing Collins is “allowed” to vote no because the Rs will still have enough votes.

There’s always an LLM. Tho that’s only like one year, I think.

I’m entirely pro-Biden here, and still I say, PULL UP YOUR FUCKING MASK. That video is making me twitch.

I will add, though, that I would totally not go to that salon again after they burned a client like that.

But also, let’s not forget that the right has convinced itself that Anthony was anti-abortion. So this is a gimme on that issue too. 

Thank you for sharing the kittles!!

They do.

She needs to contact the state bar to see if they’ve set up a bankruptcy legal clinic. And if they haven’t, they must do so. There’s a lot of misinformation about bankruptcy (it’s dishonest, I’ll lose everything, etc.) but it can be a lifesaver for people with impossible medical bills. The collection calls stop the

Let’s all remember that a prevalent Republican objection to the ACA was that too many people with health insurance = too many people able to see a doctor and get medical care. They claimed that doctors would be overrun with patients. As with so much with that party, deprivation is the point. Cruelty is the point.