Gravity Maguire

Just a point of order—Typhoid Mary thought the doctors were lying to her about her being a typhoid carrier without getting sick, so she ignored orders, medical and civil, and continued on being household help. The reason she had to be locked up is that she absolutely refused to cooperate with not infecting others.

There’s a theory I saw on Twitter which is essentially that Trump is doing these daily briefings because he can’t do rallies anymore, and the reason he’s so cranky is that he’s gotten so used to the worshipful MAGA mobs that answering actual questions is breaking his brain.

I can see that— conservatives feeling somewhat insulated due to being in rural areas but that means their resources and healthcare access is also impacted. Once they do have community transmission (college students being sent home early and possibly asymptomatic or some silver-haired retiree returning from a well

These folks always need something to happen to them before they give a shit because empathy and a sense of community are the American ideals they choose to ignore.

Now the department head is sending e-mails telling co-workers with health conditions to stay home. This is fucking bullshit and I’ve had it. After today I’m working at home and if anyone has a problem with that, then I’ll put it down as vacation time and not work at all. My well being is one thing, they can’t have my

This will sound like we’re much better off than we are but here goes:

Wow.  I’m not sure talking you down from quitting is in your best interests.  I had a job like that once, and ended up pretty close to a nervous breakdown.  When I changed jobs they replaced me with a team of 12, including a Senior Manager and two Managers.  But I couldn’t get a promotion.

I posted this on a different thread but to reiterate, I would reach out to those who are missing work but are healthy and offer to pay them to grocery shop or do other errands for you. We have people in the high risk groups in our household so we are well and truly practicing self-quarantine at the moment. My stylist

I assume that Grande’s fans like herself are mostly young and definitely not in the “danger” zone and really have no worry about themselves unless they are already immunodeficient or have some chronic conditions but these young people have knowingly and unknowingly, direct and indirect interactions with older folks

I had to go to the supermarket this afternoon. There were whole aisles devoid of merchandise (canned foods, produce, poultry - you all know). Then I got home to find “the president” telling me that there are no shortages at America’s grocery stores.

^This. That cunt is going to make bank out of this. Because thats what parasites do.

Like why is this happening? I will always be alarmed and disgusted when people get on the internet and loudly proclaim that they don’t clean themselves as though germ theory is work of fantasy. This is why I hate leaving the house and don’t shake hands.

Trump has spent the last three years stripping the CDC of funds and personnel, and occasionally replacing leadership figures with anti-science sycophants. He’s literally tried to make us as unprepared as possible for an outbreak like this. People will die needlessly because of Trump’s idiocy.

I’m an Army veteran and I’m going to say something. I’m appalled at the empathy these criminals (heroin is illegal) get for their addiction when I lived through the apathy and cold-heartedness of crack cocaine epidemic in my community in the 1980s. What’s even more puzzling is the gall to be a politician and running

I care.


I don’t care what political party he belongs to, heroin addiction is a horrible thing and I hope he can find a way to kick it.

Can we just skip to the part about prying it from their cold, dead hands?

This is what I am struggling with now. The only thing that might get me to vote for Bloomberg rather than vote the rest of the ticket and leave president blank, are judges. What if RBG dies (please no, but what if) in the next 2 years. As well as all of the smaller judicial appointments. I fucking hate Bloomberg with

Dear DNC,