Gravity Maguire

Bring back the beer carts. Whatever candidate who can do that has my vote!

If you look at the clock in the center of the terminal, it says it’s 3:25. That’s likely 3:25 a.m. The departure times on the boards on the sides start with 5:30 - 6:00 departures. A look at the schedules online for those departures show they’re 5:30 - 6:00 a.m.

You can’t buy for that price in the Malibu Colony. Beyond that, not every wants the responsibility of owning a house. You are paying to not be bothered by details. Keanu Reeves lived in hotels on purpose for over a decade for that reason.

Nah, Botox isn’t going to do that to you. I think most people that look slightly odd overdo it with the fillers, but I do think some women (and men) are kinda gunning for the puffy look anyways. As long as you trust your doc! 

“What kind of person rents a $40,000 per month mansion for five or more *years*?“

Wow, what interesting timing for this news to be coming out, on Prince Andrew’s 60th birthday. It’s almost like the Sussexes are being thrown under the bus to protect a pedophile... aFUCKINGgain.

Then what you’re asking for is better infrastructure, fair wages, better programs for kids who are food-insecure, and fair housing all of which take money, but aren’t funds directly thrown at school districts

Even though its Bazaar, the original story is coming from the Daily Mail, which has a long racist history with Meghan Markle and also its been rumored as a dumping ground for malicious staff and other royals to use to tarnish their enemies. So if this does end up being even halfway true, I would think they wouldn’t

Zimmerman’s attorney and founder of conservative legal rights group Judicial Watch, Larry Klansman said “The nation should applaud Mr. Zimmerman”

I agree. Him and his attorney. 

Money does not guarantee success. When you are talking about education, specifically elementary education, the key is language acquisition through reading. This is why your parents tell you at the birth of your child to read to them, why their pre-school teachers ask you to read to them and why your kindergarten

Guess we’ll find out. I’m likely to vote for Warren in the primary, assuming she’s still in by the time things roll around to Michigan because out of everyone I think she’s laid out the most cohesive plan, but to be perfectly frank I’m voting for whoever has the nomination in the general. Because f**k Trump.

“If you go to the middle of the country, people would say, ‘If your conversation during a presidential election is about some guy wearing a dress and whether he, she, or it can go to the locker room with their daughter, that’s not a winning formula for most people,’” Bloomberg says in the video. “They care about

If you look at the data provided, it’s fairly clear that the smaller gaps in conservative cities are largely due to lower proficiency rates among white students. In other words, they fail everyone more equitably.

One big flaw (I’m reading the report) is that they didn’t seem to show the score that whites in conservative cities earned. My question was thus “is the gap smaller because whites score worse in these cities making the gap smaller”.

I do not understand the appeal of Amy Klobuchar like at all. 

I like where you’re going with this. The only quibble I have is how about still voting for warren in the primary to show that’s who you really want to vote for? I fear that how ever many votes down Warren might be, for the rest of our lives we’ll hear a woman can’t win because only x amount voted warren in the

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

It is equal parts fascinating and horrifying to see the British press bend over backwards to turn their inbred prince’s child molesting into a story about how terrible a black woman is for protecting her children.

It HAS to be another instance of people confusing millennials and gen z’ers, right? Millennials are in our 30s now. We have been in our underpaid teaching and office jobs for a decade. We drinkin’ the wine.