Gravity Maguire

Who’da thought that the exceptionally and privileged white kid peddling Adolf Hitler cosplay on Halloween would wind up the most compassionate, courageous, and admirable of all these repulsive regal shitbags. Good on him for choosing happiness for his family over such nonsense. 

So true! I’m 46, both newly overweight and newly disabled (with the disability stuff came some extra weight) so I feel both invisible and overly visible at the same time. I can’t do anything about my disability (or my weight), so it was initially pretty tough to come to terms with all of a sudden.

Bravo! Thank you for this.

Also: what the hell is wrong with Eileen Fisher?

54 and was prematurely grey in my younger years. I remember when the invisibility happened, about 5 years ago - I was at a hotel bar and the bartender literally did not see me. It has only increased since then - people walking into me on the sidewalk, not seeing me on subway stairs, waitstaff not noticing when I’m

Speaking as someone who actually IS 50, having a 50 year old flaunt a body few 25 year-olds have is indeed simply implausible, not transgressive. It’s so difficult to look like that at age 50 it’s not surprising that everyone is staring, and it doesn’t do anything for the 99.999% of 50 year-old women who look nothing

I watched the Swift documentary on Friday night and all I can say is Good For Her. I loved how the film unfolded and we could see how the need to please people became her persona, which she was simultaneously praised and vilified for. [Spoilerish]: Even the scene with her parents (mostly dad) telling her to keep her

You became an international Grammy-winning music star before you were even of legal drinking age and struggled to reconcile the privilege of enormous fame with basically being treated like a piece of meat in every aspect (hence why you wore baggy clothing and felt the need to apologize for winning too many awards so

Chances are that they will pull bullshit along the lines of: ‘he’ wont open a new one, but one of his friends will and he’ll be ‘just’ a lowly employee while siphoning the cash back to him via gifts.

Like Irina, when I have been “done”, I am done. All of my serial monogamy relationships including a 20-yr marriage were ended, on my part, in about a day. I have never backslid or wavered once it was over for me. A clean break on my part, not always on theirs, but I put up with a lot of bullshit prior to the break.

I only respond to texts and phone calls when I want to, my cellphone is always in airplane mode. My life is relatively peaceful.

If someone messages me, “Are you in the right headspace to receive some information that could possibly hurt you?” and I wasn’t in the right headspace all that would do is create massive anxiety for me to find out what that was.

We should trade Prince Andrew for the diplomat’s wife that killed someone in England and claimed diplomatic immunity.

I came down here to see if someone else made this comment. It’s SO rude and dismissive. I don’t know why we’re supposed to hate Jessie J, but These three people are grown adults who seem to be happy in their current lives. 

Can we please stop calling Jessie J a Jenna Dewan impersonator and other regressive bullshit when it comes to these two women? Why are we pitting them against each other because they dated the same man? It's so gross. Jenna is happy, Jessie is happy, they both have dark hair, let's move the fuck on. Dunk on Channing

That seems like a bit of an easy out in this case. I suspect he’d still have to pay money if he’s making it on other restaurants, although I’m not sure how the court would decide how much. If it’s pretty clear that he’s closing shop to escape obligation, I think they can go after him.

All major news outlets have obituaries ready for every big celebrity. They keep them updated and ready to be published at a moment's notice. 

If you read the thing she’s pretty specific that there are certain hours. She even goes on to detail how much time on travel the person is suspected to work. So I don’t think it’s intended to be 24-7, particularly since there’s an au pair and other household staff.

So she's like Professor X with Cerebro? I know people who believe in all this but dont believe their doctor when they explain how flu shots work and I'm just like, how are you still alive?

No grays here...except the ones on my head