Gravity Maguire

Everybody’s comments (not just here) started moving to Facebook a number of years ago. But yes, also, the dread greys!

I wonder how old she is.  One of my cats was quite a bit aloof and stand offish with me (but LOVED everyone else.) when she was younger, but as she’s gotten older (she’ll be 13 this year) she gotten super affectionate, and loves to snuggle with me all the time.

I’m no huge fan of Charles, but he’s been using his rare political commentary for years primarily to push for action on climate change, so saying he sucks “just as much” as Mike Pence feels like a real overreach. 

Our current kitty was 3 years old when we adopted her. She was prickly, if not downright hostile, and she had been there for several weeks; because she didn’t get along with other animals, most people passed her by. But a one-cat household suited us just fine. It’s taken almost 2 years, but she’s gone from angry loner

The saddest part of Perdita’s listing isn’t mentioned in the post above, so here’s the last sentence:

I think every heterosexual woman has been in at least one relationship with the guy who had to be the smart/talented/funny one in the relationship, and she was demoted to “biggest fan”.  *raises hand*

I don’t know about the money - it’s not worth the headache for many people. I suspect Harry was willing to step away from the billionaire/pimped out path to avoid the toxicity of the royal staff and the tabloids.

I take a little issue with the telling her to shut the fuck up (because it seems pretty gendered to me), but she absolutely needs to be more careful about how she wields her influence.

Ditching the royalty thing is worth it just for the fact that he will probably never be required to interact with Boris Johnson again. You can practically see it on his face in this photo.

Im reading all of these comments from folks that don’t seem to have reading comprehension skills. People please do your research before you comment your talking points and lies. Had Russia not interfered for Trump IN SWEEPING AND SYSTEMATIC FASHION, Trump would be in prison rn for the same crimes as his lawyer,

Funny how people say Hillary lost, she should go away, etc. But fails to mention she didnt lose. The election was stolen for Trump by Russia. Trump is illegitimate. So, for once, lets remember the facts correctly. Smh. America is so fucked. 

She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary nonsense certainly didn’t help her

The whole dialogue around this thing is pissing me off! Andrew is the real liability/embarrassment here, and people are just dumping on Meghan and Harry.

Who knew Harry would come away from this entire thing being both the hot one AND the sane one? 

Paris Hilton was an omen none of us heeded. 

And this, kids, is a stunning example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

What will the people who have been saying “We wouldn’t criticize them leaving if only they gave up the money” find to criticize them (i.e. Meghan) for now? I’m sure the problem will be that they are rejecting Harry’s poor, vulnerable 90+ year old grandmother, or some other reason.

Then that is what they should have written. I imagine this went through at least two or three edit/ors. 

I just hope this has the effect they intended and gets the gross press off their backs a bit.