Gravity Maguire

Why is Elizabeth Warren not the front runner over her lesser rivals.  And yes, I said lesser.  She’s smarter than the two other front runner hands down.

Speaking of Brad, Goop claims she has “no bad blood” with the dude.

It reads like they were trying a five-day, six-hour-day work-week (down from 40 hour work-week). Some positive results, but it was also really expensive - the flip-side of a six-hour day is that you have to either hire more people to get the same amount of coverage in the day, or reduce the time some place is open. 

I work a 4.5 day week, and I couldn’t every imagine working an entire day on Friday ever again. Although, it does suck to have to go in on a Friday, just for half a day.

I was stung by a man-o-war in Hawaii as well. And while it stung mightily for half an hour (and then less so for hours after), the wraparound welts on my arm looked badass as I lifted gin drinks to my lips for the next few days, dismissing people’s concern with a wave of my hand, “Oh that little thing there? I was

“we don’t have to subject ourselves to folks who don’t treat us the way we deserve to be treated. We can leave any spaces and places that don’t currently serve us without apology and return when and if we decide to.”

Can confirm, getting stung by a man-o-war suuuuuuuuucks. I was burying someone in the sand, and to block the water I put my back to the wave and it stung me right on my lower back. It hurt for a solid couple of hours.

Agreed, I think he’s a great VP for two reasons-

He ran and tried to get his vision out there. He didn’t succeed, but he made a solid effort.

Admittedly I’m still on the Elizabeth Warren/Stacey Abrams train, but nothing about have Castro as VP strikes me as a bad move. One of the most unsung, and most damaging, effects of having Trump as president is the damage he’s done to the administrative state through neglect and institutional rot (and in Betsy DeVos’

I’d be insanely happy voting for this ticket.

The Celebgate/Fappening perpetrators used a combination of guessing security questions and phishing expeditions. They sent out hundreds of emails disguised as official Apple communications. In some cases they redirected people to sites disguised as official Apple security portals that did nothing but save their

There was a mass extinction event in late 2016. We all died, and this is hell. 

Why are we still reading about them here? I thought tubers were cancelled. The people spoke. 

Is this the meta conclusion to the thesis that cancelling something is truly pointless after all?

What a piss poor perspective of humanity. I think you know deep down that's a bullshit justification.

There are gonna be some dumbasses in the comments here soon enough saying that they don’t believe R. Kelly’s accusers, even though the motherfucker married Aaliyah when she was 15 and literally NO ONE denies that happened.

R Kelly is a perfect example of how art can't be separated from the artist. How can you ethically consume art without supporting the person who made it? How do you ignore the reflection of the artist's expression? You have to be heartless and willfully blind. It defeats the whole purpose of art.

The poor assistant was living with them. What are the odds that Sharon respected that his room was his personal space, or let him be off the clock according to his contract? 

Around here the free sites and Tinder are filled with vile trash. My friends had horrible experiences. One politely declined to date a man 20 years older than her with a couple kids and he went on a profanity laced rant about what a whore she was.

You know, I always wondered if and eHarmony were active at all anymore - I never used them in their heyday (because OK Cupid was free), and now it seems like Tinder has pretty much gobbled all the other apps/sites up. I had Bumble and Coffee Meets Bagel on my phone for years as well (in addition to a