Gravity Maguire

I don’t understand how women get so upset over men who are CLEARLY not worth it. My parents got divorced 27 years ago after 12 years of marriage when my dad cheated on my mom with my now step mother, and my mom is STILL mad about it. My dad wasn’t worth all the anger, and neither is Tristan. Girl, Jordyn did you a

I love that, in today’s Dirt Bag, Gwen Stefani is allegedly devastated that she can’t marry Blake Shelton because she’s Catholic and there’s no way she can get an annulment from Gavin Rossdale ... but now apparently she’s trying IVF, which is equally as outlawed as remarriage in the Catholic church. At least one of

“I would normally think they’d stop her at security and say, ‘Ma’am we understand, but there are children here. Games are like a family affair and everyone doesn’t want to see all that,’”

The thing is, there actually is evidence of political bias improperly influencing FBI actions: Comey’s decisions during the 2016 election, were influenced (by his own admission I believe) to placate anti-Clinton, pro-Trump sentiment within the Bureau, particularly in NY. This never gets headlines, even though during

Hopefully it’ll be a warning to other wack-a-doo antivaxxers wasting the courts time with this frivolity.

Fantastic. Failing to vaccinate kids puts the children and other people at risk and should not be optional due to religious objections.

Whenever it’s the “I can’t put my finger on it, but she makes me uncomfortable” or “he’s got something more, I can’t put a finger on it”’s the penis thing.

To see what the person who actually wrote it had to say

I am sick of his supporters constant insistence people only oppose Trump because they hate him. 

You know, they should just replace Renner with Pedro Pascal as Hawkeye. Pascal is good with a spear and good with a blaster, let’s see how he is with a bow.

Hey, everybody:

I imagine believing for a second that a wealthy celebrity is suing you would be a bit scary for a lot of people, to be fair. Especially if that may cause other celebrities to drop your services?

Honestly, it’s time. Elizabeth Warren needs her own in depth story. This is just the feminist blog to do so.

I really want to disqualify him on inexperience alone (mayor of South Bend compared to senate/gubernatorial vets).  To say nothing of his centrist, unoriginal positions..

Both Julian Castro and Cory Booker have the same smart (Stanford/Harvard Law and Stanford/Rhodes Scholar/Yale Law, respectively) credentials and mayoral experience then went on and gained national experience. So arguably more qualified. Plus they take positions on things - many of which are fairly centrist. Yet the

If you catcall or “holler” at a woman you don’t know, you’re a piece of shit. Don’t give me any of this “oh, but I mean well, I’m not like those other guys” crap. Women don’t know that. They can’t tell whether or not you’re going to attack them afterwards - you’re just one more person harassing them.  Cut it the fuck

I have nothing but hatred towards Thurman and his ilk. Black women have enough to worry about without Black men attacking and raping and killing them too.

Hey Joan, thanks for not running the blind item about celebrities at AA meetings. As a person that’s attended meetings, having your anonymity blown is never cool.

I thought that was David Foster after another facelift.

She's been with him since her teens, she might not even know how you get a job or how to survive on minimum wage. Her youth was warped and she's probably missing a lot of skills most of us take for granted