Gravity Maguire

Why is he living his life according to a Days of Our Lives-script?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. So Trump is going to get himself impeached trying to smear Joe Biden with fake bullshit about Hunter, and then Hunter goes and does this fuck up for real, and for free.

Love the new format, Joan! Maybe the photo collages could be labeled in some sort of order so I know who some of them are?

This, so much this.

I think it’s also important to remember that 10-12 years ago, no one was available for constant texting, Facebook messaging, or video chatting. We’re now all suddenly supposed to be expected to drop everything for anyone the moment they reach out through any channel (and there are many!).

Seeing as Joaquin Phoenix starred in ‘The Master’ he’s probably considered a suppressive person. Phoenix was raised in a different cult (The Family International/Children of God, I believe) so I doubt he considers Scientology cute.

I don’t understand why everyone is so hell bent on spending time with family during the holidays every single year. This Thanksgiving my BF and I are turning off our phones, staying in bed, ordering a pizza, and watching football/The Irishman - and Meg Ryan is more than welcome to join us. :)

Defense attorney just dropping by to say, pleading not guilty doesn’t really mean anything, besides that you’re not pleading guilty. In some jurisdictions you do it at arraignment (aka the first court appearance), in some you don’t do it until you’re setting a case for trial. You do it at different times for

This anecdote, which is second hand and supposedly 25 years old, seems a little too perfect. I’m not saying that Howard doesn’t believe it’s true, but as completely backwards as Hollywood executives can be, I genuinely doubt anybody seriously suggested having Julia Roberts play Harriet Tubman.

Well, no big deal for those of us with money (the US) and everyone with universal health care (almost everyone else).

Yeah, there’s usually a few cases per year in the Four Corners region — a fun region for rodent-borne disease as it’s also where Hantavirus first popped up back in the 90s. Plague is easily treatable IF you catch it early enough. The mortality rate shoots way up if it’s not treated within the first 24 hours of the

The plague pops up pretty regularly all over the world. New Mexico seems particularly susceptible for some reason. It is easily treated with antibiotics. No big deal.

I guess Andrew’s continued existence is proof all those Diana was killed on Philip’s orders conspiracies are false.

I hope you loved Aidy Bryant's love song to Doug her dog. Destined to be a classic

“Nelson, who is now a graduate student in linguistics studying online harassment”

Long-time reader, sporadic poster here. This Dirtbag reads like the Dirtbags of yore! I don’t know who half of these people are, but the depth of these write-ups is what I like to see! I also appreciate your tone in the Taylor Swift opener. That was a great explanation and showed empathy for her circumstances. Nicely

Marion Nestle, a food studies professor at New York University”

I love how that story positively ruined Jason Momoa for so many of us.

I have little doubt that everybody inside The Beltway who cares knows who the whistleblower is — including Jim Jordan. It’s just that anyone in government who outs said whistleblower will be facing serious prison time because that name is “protected” by law.

Now playing

It is a shame that too many people on the wrong side of history will never really get their comeuppance (I am an athiest and don’t believe in karma; bite me. I am also using “karma” technically incorrectly but I’m not a Sanskrit scholar so fuck it).