Gravity Maguire

JFC. A grieving family should be allowed to do just that- grieve- not search for their daughter’s killer because cops can’t or won’t do their job. Disgusting.

That and the fact he wrote a book called TRIGGERED and brought his girlfriend on tour to yell at hecklers who were mean to him. 

The most disturbing take away from this article is that Jr was heckled by people who don’t think the Trumps are bad enough. WTF

Maybe diversity training should just be a part of the curriculum every fucking year and like all year long instead of just a reaction to a problem.  Clearly the ignorance training is ongoing so we must thwart it with equally ongoing diversity training. 

Locking up the pedo in their midst would be so modern though.

I’ve never, ever gotten why “former bartender” is such an insult. Isn’t that... what they want? Moving up via bootstraps and hard work?

The articles and comments on this site have gotten me through some rough stuff over the last ~11 years. I’m quite concerned, not only for selfish reasons, of course.

Esther, it feels like everything is on borrowed time at this point, so I just wanted to say thanks for all your work here. Jezebel has been “my” corner of the internet for 8 years, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that there were some days when looking forward to reading Jez was the one thing I could bring myself

I saw a tweet the other day that essentially said we’re progressing towards a future where more and more women that are running for office will absolutely have sent nude photos to people at some point throughout their life. So how we navigate that and make the tide turn away from shaming and into accepting that it’s

Depends on several things. If you’re in the row in front of an exit, or the last row of seats, often the seats won’t recline.

I hate recliners. I never recline, even if someone in front of me reclines (and I’m 5'8", so I’m not tiny), and I think those devices are a sign of the downfall of all that is good in the world. 

So it seems to me there IS a way to send the Deadspinners a beer.  Look for Megan Greenwell’s twitter account (I would totally link it to you, but twitter is firewalled at my work computer) and find her tweet with her venmo account info.  She says she’ll hold the money for the next Deadspin bar meetup and any overages

Same! Jalopnik and especially Deadspin have/had writers so clever and engaging (not to mention willing to write about things outside their specific sphere as well) that I actually clicked on CAR and SPORTS articles. CARS and SPORTS. I mean, never in a million years . . . .

These fucking million dipshits won’t be happy

This is the best thing I've read in weeks. Maybe months? I love how brutally honest the makeup artists were with their thoughts. He literally looks dead. And it's true. God what is this hellscape everything just seems unreasonably bleak hahaha god

This was a great article, but I really hope it wasn’t a response to “less politics, more girly thing, like makeup!”

That’s the age when he became undead, but he’s really like 440.

I really hope that she in particular goes down HARD, and publicly. I hope they fucking drag her screaming out of her office in handcuffs and put her anywhere for a long time, because her lily white, exponential billionaire ass won’t be able to handle it for five minutes.

As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl

These dogs are most certainly more deserving of human compassion and love than say, Jim Spanfeller (who by the way, if you didn’t know, has an email address: That stain deserves to hear why a dog is more noble and deserving of human love and affection than he is.

Now don’t underestimate Mariah.  You don’t try to scrap with a real diva.