Gravity Maguire


Exactly. If kids die, your mission was a fucking failure.

This year I’m dressing up as “guy sitting on the couch drinking vodka”.

And as usual, the big orange blabbermouth can’t shut up and freaks out the people who actually know what’s going on.

Why are you looking at the photos?

He is the swamp.

For those folks, “grabbing them by the pussy” is business as usual. It’s fine and natural. What else are they even there for but to be grabbed? The idea that it’s “abuse” is absurd to them. (It maaaay be impolite? But only if she belongs to another man.) That a woman might dare sex under her own agency is the

Baby showers actually do serve a purpose for a lot of couples, as it often serves as a way to get baby equipment like car seats, diapers, and strollers as gifts without spending the somewhat obscene amounts of money. True, you can just have a baby registry without the need for a party or anything like that, but the

Gawd, so many ways to avoid this. I have no issue with them taking the other kids, but they could have worked it out before with the tech. Let mom go in and get setup, tell the tech what’s up, and then bring the kids in. Then the tech could play the “I just can’t see what it is” game for the benefit of the kids, and

Nothing screams “not ready to be a parent” like inviting friends and family to a party with dangerous weapons and projectiles. 

The thing that really irks me (well, the whole thing irks me), is the “chemical castration” bullshit the Trumpettes and their ilk are throwing around. She’s all of seven years old, at least a good 4 years from the onset of puberty. I’m no expert in this, but my understanding is that she’d have the option of taking

This is gonna totally blow your mind: There is an entire field of psychology called child psychology. Children see psychologists all the time. Because children are people, and thus are susceptible to mental illness.

That $50,000 tax credit is an interesting idea. Honestly, I don’t understand those who don’t support student loan forgiveness because they had to pay theirs - I also worked hard to repay $250k in student loan debt - but that doesn’t mean I want others to have to go through the same thing. But maybe giving something to

But it would certainly help address a pressing problem for literally millions of Americans, and Johnson is also proposing a $50,000 tuition voucher that wouldn’t need to be repaid. All of this would unfortunately require the participation of our completely worthless Congress.

RIP Splinter, Long Live Splinter.

There is a house rep named Kate Porter
I’m not ‘shamed to say I adore her
It bears some repeating
She gave Mark a beating
Unlike any of our reps before her

The thing that’s extra frustrating about Republicans lies about the impeachment inquiry is that over 100 members of Congress are eligible to participate in these behind closed door sessions and both parties are able to question witnesses. But they way they tell it you’d think it was just Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff

“Do Nothing Democrats allow Republicans Zero Representation, Zero due process, and Zero Transparency”—Hey Orange Dumbsicle, tell that to the republicans that blocked the nomination of Merrick Garland for no other reason than he was nominated by Obama. The spray tan is fogging his memory pretty bad.

“...caring about “gay issues” is caring about black issues.”

My grandma opens the door for no strangers. She hangs up the phone on anyone who isn’t family. Everyone needs to have this talk with the older folks in their lives.