Gravity Maguire

A frankenmutt is the best mutt, just like humans tbh, and the pit bull isn’t technically hypoallergenic so but yeah save the pitties, I guess

I just. I can’t. I can’t even. He did all this shit to his body for attention, and now he, of all people, has to go into witness protection. He’s not going to last 5 minutes before he posts an Instagram picture of his new crib in Boise, because he wants attention. I get that the government has a duty to protect him,

Fact: instead of position of “best boy,” they instead have “absolute worst boy.”

I wish we would shut the fuck up about white working class voters. They’re a lost cause and hell bent on voting against their own self-interest. We’ve had two Democratic Presidents when two consecutive terms without them, yet we’re obsessed with courting those five living Reagan Democrats. Those people will never vote

She says this as she talks about how she’s away from her kids all day on THE WEEKEND(childcare) and has a photo-op with lawyers tutoring her in a house as she sits in full make-up with a wig on, with the “TORTS” book just carefully placed on the table for her personal photographer TEAM to catch and put on her instagram

J-lo and Kim’s hairsyles are definitely long bobs... Lobs?

I take the Miss Manners route when asked to smile: Why? Is there something amusing happening?

As a person who has a “friendly face”, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I can force a resting bitch face though when necessary so...I like having options and I don’t mind being approached in a friendly manner by others. 🤷🏾

I was under the impression that a dumpy, unfriendly face does not prevent strangers from trying to engage with a person, although it might increase the likelihood of “c’mon, give us a smile” approaches.

Where on the male anatomy do we inject botox to stop men from telling women to smile?

I love my resting bitch face, I’d rather pay to get one than have it removed.

Also, she has a “vag” which is a big no no.

I think you meant to just say, “Elizabeth Warren was previously not Bernie, and is therefore insufficiently Bernie for the Bernie crowd”. The bar that’s set among some of them is pretty much impossible to reach.

The Working Families Party has endorsed Elizabeth Warren for president

“The First Family is very active in water sports.”

EXACTLY! Going all the way to a 40 band size is hardly inclusive. Up to a 50, maybe. But not 36-40.

Lol why are you so confused about who gets to “stay” in a religion? It doesn’t matter why you converted, the point is that you’re there now, and can stay if you want to. Same goes for Catholicism and all other Christian faiths.

Semi-melted Don Jr? I am very confused! I’ve always thought Drew and Jonathan Scott were “handsome for people with gigantism”. They aren’t quite tall enough to say they have gigantism, but if they did they would be really handsome for guys with that condition.

Oh, man. I bet Paula Yates had some stories. 

I am so revolted by taxidermy. I just don’t get it at all. And the only thing worse is when you hear of someone saying that they “dabble in amateur taxidermy” as a hobby. I immediately categorize them as a potential serial killer.