Gravity Maguire

People are often surprised by my love of Bub. I seem like someone who would be much more into Grumpy Cat, with a side of Colonel Meow. And, y'know, they're entertaining and all, but Lil Bub is the nexus for all things positive and good in this world (and possibly a few others). Even the cynical snarker must smile and

Agree wholeheartedly. However I might feel about her singing, talent, music (full disclosure: not a fan) she seems to be a hard worker without now-mandatory diva/drama-queen/kiss-my-ass 'tude. Or at least, we aren't hearing about it. And for that alone, I like her.

The fact that the rest of us don't shouldn't be helf against us. Especially by us.

I think I love you. Tell Mr. Maguire to buy you a nice dinner tonight on behalf of Jezzies everywhere.

i'm glad katy perry doesn't pretend to naturally look like that. i'm so tired of celebrities being like, " know, i drink lots of water and moisturizer every night, that's my whole beauty routine." guys, we know your job is to look good, it's ok for you to admit that you put work into it.

I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before, but damn, Honey Boo Boo sounds happy and tough and like she totally owns herself, like every 7-year-old should. It's sad that she's an unusual example. It's as though she were raised in a magic self-esteem bubble where she was never taught to be unfairly

I have decided that The Darkness prepped me for The Mighty Boosh. All of Vince's fantastic fashion sence seems to have been spawned from this video. (Even though I have a feeling the Might Boosh was a predecessor... but too lazy to google XD)

I like those bracelets too, but sadly, my kid has 6 known food allergies and the two that cause us the most problems aren't in the top 8. I *love* the temporary tattoo thing. Because I have days that I just want to write "Don't offer me food!!" on her forehead. (And that's just when she's around her great

Gets away with what, precisely? Looking awesome in clothes tailored to fit her bangin' body? No body is impossible to flatter, some are more challenging than others, but it CAN be done. Shit, I worked in theater fitting all kinds of bodies in to all kinds of clothes, I see it happen before your eyes. The actress

Make sure to see This Is the End. You might not like him more, but you will love watching what happens to him.

What? Oh, no, no. Politicians don't have to follow the horrible laws they put forward. I thought we'd learned this time and time again.

I was wondering... When T-Pain speaks, is it still autotuned??
(Cuz that'd be awesome.)

That is exactly what I thought. I like my musicians to sound like they read a lot of Victorian romance novels.

I know very little about T-Pain, but I feel like I have to challenge some assumptions I had about him after seeing him used the word "couth." That is not a term you see everyday outside of WASPy ladies' lunch tables.

This is the most useful conversation I've had all day. Thank you.

I wish I had done that a few times. Some people really need it. I feel like people saying "I can't control him/He won't listen to me" is just a way to try to get out of responsibility, but you did what's right. Show the grown up that there are consequences for their actions/non-actions. I bet every other trip she's

The only time (so far) I've personally removed someone from a flight was a mother who couldn't keep her son seated during taxi. He kept sliding out from under the belt. She looked me in the eye and said, "I can't control him." So I called up front and we turned around and left her standing at the gate with her

I generally don't use the term "Native Americans" because I think it's really insulting to slap Europeans' name for this country on the people they butchered to establish it. If I'm talking to an actual Indian/Native American who prefers that I call them one over the other, I'll do that.

I'm the kind of person who confidently thinks I only have 8 pairs of shoes, but when I count it's more like 25.