Gravity Maguire

That is a sad and very interesting documentary!

It's a reality cooking show/contest to find the best home cook. There are versions in a number of countries. I once saw a Thanksgiving speciaor she did with her sons. The gravy they made was so vile looking I almost gagged just from watching them make it. The decomposing leaves and grass my kids put in pails with

Wow, thank you so much for linking to that film. It looks incredible.

I was puzzled too. I mean, a couple of weeks later the guest judges were three dudes with like 50 Michelin stars between them, serious world class top chefs. I can't understand what the hell Paula Deen was doing on the show. But it is a show called Master Chef that has Gordon Ramsey shilling Walmart groceries and

As a black woman living in the Southern US, this really makes me sad and really uncomfortable. I suppose I have tricked myself into thinking that people are no longer that hateful towards minorities. Now I'm going to be giving the side-eye to everyone I come across.

My husband and I got hitched for two reasons other than the classic ones of being together and all that jazz: tax breaks and healthcare. If wanting to be on my husband's healthcare makes me a bad feminist, then so be it.

My specific doctor, whom I schlep half an hour to see, says that fat "is not a problem that science knows how to solve right now." And it's true. There's no weight-loss pill that won't kill you with side effects. And despite Ronnie from Jersey Shore (and wasn't he in the hospital recently?) putting his name on some

Agreed that there needs to be more hip, plus-sized clothing out there in a normalized way. Growing up, I felt like I was failing because I couldn't find fashionable stuff that fit me. Like, I pretty much had to rely on Old Navy and Target (which, given how low-quality and awful working standards of fast fashion, is

Was going to say this, you did it better :)

GOOD TO KNOW! The bf hates all deodorant scents, so he's just stopped wearing it, save for the rare occasion when I make him wear mine. And I'm done sharing, darn it!

Ooh good call. You may be (maeby?) right! Gonna have to look out for that during the show.

Gahhh What did Lindsey pack? I can't make out what the thing in the box is... a rice cooker? A foot spa?

Yes, yes, and yes. Men determine what's going to be 'the norm', then the pharmaceutical company makes lots of pills (and even more money) marketing this 'norm' to the people (the ladies) who don't conform. The reality? Sex is complicated. Sometimes I don't want sex because I'm tired, or gassy, or just not in the

Yeah, its not that I wouldn't mind wanting to have more sex, but its frustrating that men seem to be the ones who get to define what constitute "normal" sex or "enough" sex (of course, I realize that lots of women have super high libidios—but since this article spoke in generalities, I am, too!).

Yes, this is what I've always thought. I've had whiny ex-boyfriends moan about my "low" libido and I've thought - why does it have to be ME that has a problem? I've always been like this. Even if I'm madly into a guy, more than a couple of times a week exhausts me. Why does the guy's desire have to be the standard for

Yeah, I don't know if "solves" is the right word. But I think it's an interesting treatment, conceptually!

She's an asshole, but I'd sooner not hate on her appearance.

Perhaps its because I'm a programmer (and therefore used to thinking in things happening in a given order), but I find this video idiotic and unnecessary. I've never viewed the order of operations as confusing (in fact, I don't recall a preference to addition before subtraction, rather evaluating them as you see them