Gravity Maguire
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But can we please also see some clips of the new singer, Arnel Pieneda, if only because the documentary about him is so fabulous?

Why have I been washing my hands all this time, when the cure for all that ails me lives on the door handle of the Shell gas station bathroom?

She did found The Daily Beast. No mention of that?

I wrote about this here once before. I went into a pharmacy here in Albuquerque a few years ago, looking for Plan B. As it happens, I was also having a scrip for an antibiotic filled (Hooray! UTI plus Plan B!) and the horrid pharmacist, at 3am, refused to give me Plan B for the totally bogus reason that it was "too

I assume that they, as professional political people, planned for the possibility that this would come out (having first decided not to release it themselves), agreed in advance as to what they would do, probably rehearsed it a few times, and are moving on with a minimum of emotion. This is strategy that we're seeing

My takeaway was that ladies need to be getting pregnant, pumping out more girl babies, if we want more gender equality. Kind of like a Quiverfull (sp?) for feminism. Because as it turns out, it wasn't Bill Gates' nagging mom or his nagging wife that got him off the dime, it was the birth of his baby girl, born of his

Also, even though he's all about the common touch, not having a butler to do everything for him (unlike his dad, etc.), he still really does need to floss. Flossing isn't just a butler-managed activity, Wills. We all have to do it.

Just curious:

That's a great question! But the way the law is written, it's only a bar to prosecution, and (despite what the defense appeared to be doing up there) Treyvon wasn't the one being prosecuted. So as horrible as it sounds, Treyvon would actually only have access to Stand Your Ground immunity if he survived.

No, no. This case didn't end up involving Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground precludes prosecution (and is actually the reason it took so long to arrest him — the police had discretion under SYG to let him walk). If Zimmerman's team thought he could have successfully claimed SYG, they could have argued immunity

See the photo of Katy Perry, above, posted by @ConnieMilligan.

I remember when this photo came out. It made me so grateful that I got to see it and I think of it from time to time. It doesn't diminish her, IMO. She puts a shit-ton of work into being La Perry, and for chrisssake, the fact that the rest of us don't shouldn't be held against us. Especially by us.

It would have taken me longer. I think you can use vinegar? Or baby oil? I've always been resourceful, but I'm sure I would have spent at least most of each day protected.

I dunno, Lindy. I think we might be the same person, but separated by ten years.

I would have removed that bracelet in a flash, starting pretty much at pre-school. My parents would have gone with the tats for sure. This seems like a much better idea, IMO.

If you can, you want to stick just to the items that they stock in order to lure you in, hoping that you'll have some sort of hot-glue-induced breakdown and start buying everything in the store. Loss leaders tend to be cheap staples. Sometimes they're, like, stuff you wouldn't buy that often (like when the printer is

If only you could be sure to buy only those things that are loss leaders. Then it would be all okay. So coupons only, no non-coupon impulse buys, even if they appear next to the cash register. Be strong.

This is a good reminder that I keep promising to give away a bunch of pairs to a younger friend with a small budget but my size of feet. That will happen now, while I'm feeling all chastened. Or maybe next week.

It depends entirely on the context and the community. In New Mexico, "Indian" is often the preferred term when a specific tribal or pueblo designation doesn't fit. Strictly speaking, I suppose, you'd go by what the Potawatomi (Tonto's literary tribe) or the Comanche Nation (the Depp character's tribe) choose to be

Oh goodness, how much do I love you both? I, sadly, have the sort of in-laws that serve as a not-so-gentle reminder that people can be quite surprising in their racism. Lately I have been reminded of the fantastic and shattering documentary, Two Towns of Jasper, which is a must-see. It's about ten years old but I