Gravity Maguire

The states do have some right to interpret laws according to their own constitutions, especially when the claim is that the state offers more rights than the fed. So I can imagine a state saying, oh look, that's a protected act here in [insert name of state] because of the whole religion thing! The Supremes have said

Some friends of mine published this, which is awesome and might be helpful to you:

But what I really want to know is, how are the actors who play doctors on TV paid? Do the men who say "I play one on TV" also make more than the women who do the same? Otherwise that illustrative promo shot from whatever-that-show-is-called doesn't make any sense to me.

Yes. Well. I'm supposed to be taking a Constitutional Rights take-home final right now, but I'm on Jezebel instead. If only I could get extra credit for that idea!

In the absence of actual rules, I wonder if you could, say, file a medical intent-to-abort document (sort of like a medical power of attorney, tho you'd keep control for yourself — I may be making this super-unclear and maybe I should just read the law). But! What if you could file a legal document with your health

I suspect that if they'd shot the guys instead the entire state would have shrugged its shoulders and declined to prosecute. Funny how that is.

Katrina could just as easily be talking about sites like this one, which sucks me in for the gossip and then gets me all worked up about the real issues. Nice work, all!

My mom tells this great story about training my dad to be a better conversationalist, and it seems like her advice then (which I swear he lives by) works in this situation too:

Throw a heating pad in there and you're golden. I seem to have, like, five of them, so if sacrificing one to Miss Milly Mae Cupcake Maguire is what it takes to have the keyboard back, I'm in.

Talbot's is pretty good for plus, and they have it in the stores. It's not as frumpish as it once was. Also, I have twice found okay skirts at Avenue. Online, Eileen Fisher is very forgiving (and it doesn't have to look hip old lady-ish). Locally, I find that the Macy's and Dillards plus sections are GHASTLY, nothing

They all say that they don't want the gig. It's customary to claim you don't want it and then to gracefully agree when pressed by your party.

The chattering classes in New Mexico think Governor Martinez is quite unlikely. New Mexico has so little pull in the electoral college that it's almost a throw-away if she's on there. Not that there's all that much evidence that the VP pick means anything electorally, but VP-choosing seems to be rather like voodoo.

Hearts and stars! I can only give the former, but I can say #COTD just because you're so RIGHT.

Can I just say, so glad this conversation is happening here. And much love to Jezzie commenters. The comments at the Huffington Post made me want to stab my eyes with forks. I know, I know: never read the comments. Except here!

I've been talking about this comment since I read it yesterday. Sterling! A fantastic, deserving COTD!

I once attended a very Hollywood seder at which one of the guests hired a character actor to show up at the door as Elijah. Best Passover EVER.

Except that his party is for charity! If Madonna was also selling tickets for a worthy cause I might give her a pass, but every guest she snags away from Elton is $3500 that won't go to AIDS-related causes.

I find myself sort of relieved to realize that under these circumstances I would be interested in spending my last days with my hubby, the cats, my mom-dad-sis-stepparents. But that there's no need to seek out the two guys who fill the got-away spot. I'm good.

Yes! Absolutely! The question is — do the HM and H and GA crowd even get it?