
I swear to Thor, if anybody on Kotaku's staff even hints at complaining about another sites' redesigns I may need to order a new irony-o-meter from somewhere.

I deeply hope that most infants are born with smaller penises than the average man.

The only use I have for PETA.

Aaaaand now I want buffalo shrimp for lunch. THANKS, OBAMA.

Kamiya can take criticism and wont allow himself to be dead in the water like some Fish.

New story that reminds me of how horrible of a company Facebook is.

Are you insinuating that whites are good and blacks are evil?

Stuff like this is what turns White Hats into Black Hats... hey Facebook, give him a job in your staff instead of the 500 bucks, eh?

This would never happen in MY prison!

Good thing these guys don't realize that pulling their pants up will make them even faster.

Just because it's not connected to the outside net, doesn't mean it's not hackable (stuxnet, anyone?).

I really can't imagine any door system in a prison that would not be only intranet. Not saying I can't see someone in Florida doing that, but to leave the system open for hacks is just plain asinine.

The premise of this movie turned me off from the get-go, if only because they seemed to be in such a rush to get a pic out the door the moment Jobs died. His legacy has not even yet been determined, and here they are trying to lionize him already. It comes off a cynical ploy to profit off his popularity by telling all

haha I almost hate myself for it too!

He isn't dumb because he disagrees with you, asshole.

This is the issue I brought up in Jezebel as well, the commenter's attitude of this case seem oddly inconsistent to me.

Because Rep. Tammy Duckworth:

That is so offensive that you would suggest that "speaking proper" for black people is us trying to be white. My mind is blown.

Yes, please tell me more about that false equivalence.