
I almost hate you for making me come to Kotaku. ;)

This made my accidental visit to this site bearable. Thank you!

I think you're underestimating the Facebook loyalists.

What type of person would that be? I'll admit, I don't know every Facebook user but, I can't see anyone who uses Facebook a lot also using an RSS reader.

This is going to fail. There are two type of people. People who don't use RSS readers, and people who informed enough to not flock to this because it's Facebook.

They changed it because PS4 was one sell pre-orders by a substantial magnitude

But the bullies are off the hook, right? I would hate for the people responsible to get in any kind of trouble.

Science, German, and Cello? Now, you're just bragging.

You'll be busy all day doing that. It will be fun, of course.

Lots of responses for such a stupid person. Usually, people like you aren't even a blip in the comment section. You though...well done.

Just like that, he/she was shut down.

Texas > Louisiana

Since this was Florida, I was expecting one of the high school kids to have tried to eat one of the kids. Turns out, good things can happen in Florida. I hope this is a sign of things to come.

You don't need an online pass when you can block used games from the consoles.

Right there with you on everything you said. Especially the "Just get over it" and "You just need (fill in the blank)". Both from my mother. She really loves telling me I need God in my life all while forgetting when I was going to church, I was still depressed.

Glancing at it you can't tell. But then you look closer...

Hello? Yeah, I'm here at another on of these stupid rallies. I'm just trying to get with this girl standing next to me. She playing hard to get though. Yeah, yeah. I know, but church girls are the freakiest.

I laughed. Then, when I stopped laughing, I read it again in his voice. Then, I laughed louder.

a woman accidentally shot and killed her husband while he was showing her how to use a semiautomatic pistol